
I see quite a few people complaining about the excessive use of wand. / Stellarix.

What if there is a restriction where one (or more) colors are forbidden ?

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This could be . . . actually potentially interesting. Even if it feels like saying they should ban Wand of Stellarix without saying they should ban Wand of Stellarix.

For example, an anti-Blue restriction means no Zuul or Beetrix. Anti-Red means no Archduke or Mang. And so on.

Did you live under a rock? Those things are already being replaced in PvP, hopefully also in GW, so you’re not going against them anyway. Why is it a problem that people use it if they want when no one can go against it?
Such a non issue you’re bringing up here.


For you maybe a non issue… was just a thought to make loose restrictions… so, no rock

Stellarix and Wand of Stars are already being replaced by Diamantina and Prismatic Orb in PvP. So the problem has already been dealt with.
Therefore this is a non issue as why would you want change when you don’t go against them?


No more restrictions, for the love of dog! I get that pvp needs some major rethinking. (More on pvp at the end) But in every other mode / event, restrictions just hinder creativity for those of us with a robust collection and absolutely cripple those of us, without.

Meta is a thing. It will always be a thing. The more specific the restrictions get, the MORE likely that everyone is going to be locked into one specific team. I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but a big draw of this game for me, is the ability to come up with my own synergistic combos.

As for pvp, I can totally see the value for more restrictions in terms of making battles more interesting. Unfortunately, with alliance ranks resetting and the absolutely ridiculous reqs, for both the alliance ranks and season stuff… I can’t even bring myself to WANT pvp battles to be more interesting. I’m pretty much stuck with hoping they are just faster.

Ideally, for pvp I’d love to see the draconian grind required, to be significantly lowered. Emphasis on significantly. There are leaderboards for those that want to do nothing but pvp 24/7. There is no need to force that grind on people who just want to complete the seasons.

After that gets fixed, then there would be a lot of room to add more interesting restrictions.

Another way to go would be to (instead of adding more hard restrictions) add soft restrictions. Like bonus VP for using X, VP penalty for using Y. That would allow those of us who have to somehow cram 3 hrs of pvp into 20 minutes, a choice as to how we do that.


Oh, puh-leaze.

I hope I’m just misreading your tone here but I do have a distinct pet peeve about being not just opposed to the idea but opposed to the entire discussion, and I can’t tell where to draw the line here.

On the bright side, I actually agree with several of your underlying sentiments here, but:
1 - An “anti-color” rule is actually LESS restrictive than a color rule (which we already have implemented), and as nobody is asking for multiple restrictions at once, this statistically loosens the overall PVP restrictions compared to what we already have now.
1b - As a random sample, there are approximately 500 Red Troops in the game, vs. approximately 1000 non-Red Troops.
1c - Yeah, there’s no getting around the fact that ANY anti-color restriction would necessarily prohibit six-color Troops in that region, two of which are not just “the meta”, but THE meta to rule ALL metas. But I do not believe this is a problem, it’s just a consequence of how the rule works. (On the flipside, you will not stop me from running Savage Hunter in 1st slot in a Green region. Where if I make even one skull match I win.)
2 - If you legitimately can’t build a team around less than all six colors, that’s a “you” problem. I know my top 3 everyday go-to teams use “only” 5 colors and they all work perfectly fine for their designed purposes – none of which are PVP, mind you, but:

The teams

“Soul Grinder” - casual team for farming Souls in lower-level cpu battles (note the 3x Necromancy traits)

  • Phylactery
  • Sol’Zara
  • Keeper of Souls
  • Flesh Golem

“Rowanne” - general-purpose team for high-level cpu battles (Boss Dungeon, etc), and is also fairly resistant to Web

  • Shield of Urskaya + Sentinel
  • Clockwork Sphinx
  • Rowanne
  • Dynamite Goat

“Vault Slayer” - team for Gnome Vault battles specifically (every troop has one unique color)

  • Flame Soul + Stormcaller
  • Clockwork Sphinx
  • Finesse
  • Leprechaun

There’s technically an advantage to NOT using all six Mana colors in your team, because you can pick a +2/+1/-1 banner with the -1 on your unused color. It also helps mitigate the threat posed by color-specific troops like The Gray King (Red Ahriman, Flame Soul, etc).

How positively civil, charming and downright constructive. Bravo.

Do we actually know that “nobody” is asking for multiple restrictions at once? Because…

… implies that we are talking about pvp. Because, who would complain about what other people are using to do explore or delves, etc? If we ARE talking about pvp, then there are already multiple zones each week that don’t allow wand/Stella. There would be no real value add to introducing another restriction type either in place of one of the current zones or as a new zone. However, it’s possible the OP meant to replace all of the color restricted zones to color forbidden zones. THAT would create a significant value add for those not wanting to face off against Wand/Stella. Of course, since zero people currently have to face off against wand/Stella, all it would actually do is prevent people from using those on their own teams. So, it’s a solution in search of a problem.

Straw Man. Another grand total of (checks notes) ZERO people have claimed to not be able to build a team with less than all six colors. :roll_eyes:

Bravo. I don’t even know what my top 3 teams ARE, since I use more than 3 teams during a session, much less a day, week, month, year, or since I started. I’d guess that most teams that I put together are 4 or 5 color. I’d also guess that I’ve used some 6 color teams for TOD.

Technically, that depends a great deal on what your troops / class / weapon, on each team does. A team like:

Shield of Urskaya, Harpy Mage, Rowanne, Leprechaun

is pretty meat and potatoes for players with a scant collection. It’s also not really hampered by having all 6 colors. Likewise, there are some combinations of various mythics that use all 6 colors and don’t suffer. But, of course, there is no overwhelming need to use all 6.

Anyway… re-reading my original reply, it is pretty obvious that my objection is to adding additional restrictions on top of the current (and not to replacing color required restriction to a color forbidden restriction.) But just to be absolutely, positively, clear… I just don’t want to end up eventually seeing “Must use brown, can’t use green, must use giant, must be from Broken spire, can’t use Titan, must use this troop and that weapon.” And yes, that’s hyperbole. I want as much freedom to use what I’ve collected as possible (aka without breaking the game or ruining the character of the various events.)



brb while I break out the GameCube and SSBM

Jokes aside, I was throwing some hyperbole around too, and I apologize in advance for largely skimming/ignoring most of your post here. And we can agree nobody wants another mode with dual restrictions, like we already have with Class Trial and Journey (especially Journey, albeit for different reasons) some of which prompt incredibly constrained team builds.

Anyway, it’s only fair that I play devil’s advocate and note some counterpoints to this idea:

  • Nearly every other type of restriction (color, Kingdom, Troop Type) invariably yields one set bonus or another. Which, like all set bonuses, is mostly moot for high level (by kingdom stat bonus) teams. An anti-color restriction does not convey the same intrinsic bonuses.
  • While an argument could be made that six-color cards are effectively “exempt” from a color restriction (due to being eligible for every possible version of one), there’s no denying that six-color cards would be effectively prohibited by any anti-color rule (for the same reason).
  • There’s also a good argument to make where a filter that still allows more than half of the game’s roster . . . doesn’t feel like a very specific filter to begin with (we certainly would not be seeing “anti-Kingdom” or “anti-Troop Type” restrictions any time soon), and might not ultimately be as useful/interesting as it looks from a distance.

So yeah, there probably just isn’t a way around the simple fact that an anti-color restriction feels like a targeted ban (as in a pick/ban draft system) against the affected color.