[Resolved by restarting] Many game modes restricted to Goblin

Xbox One

Many game modes have an odd Goblin restriction. When I did delves, every one had a red/yellow restriction regardless of the delve’s normal colors and also a troop type restriction to Goblin. Now I’m playing PVP and on the overwold map Maraji Expanse says Daemon but when I go to make a team it’s restricted to Goblin. Summer Isle says Divine but when I go to make a team it’s restricted to Goblin. This seems to be true of all PVP kingdoms except Central Spire, including the ones that list a color restriction on the overworld map,

Steps to reproduce: play the game.

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My GW restriction (purple) also applies to Underspire

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Restart the game to fix it. Incase you need to


Bugs of war strikes again :clown_face::clown_face:


Same here. However, I did not know that just a reset would correct it, so I undid my defense of the arena keep and tried again in PVP. Eventually reset and it allowed me to use the normal restrictions in PVP.

After restarting, is anyone still experiencing this?

Platform : switch

Now in Invasion the troops must be green color in the team, still undeads, but green undeads only.

We have green keep in GW certainly coming from there.

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@kasskados Just reset your game. It’s locking you into your defensive restriction for guild wars.

One of the many bugs we will find from the latest update.:man_facepalming:


No, restarting the game has fixed it

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Just happened to me; it overrides the restriction in PVP citadel battles.

I didn’t notice if it replaces the intended restriction or stacks with it.

For the next person who experiences it, or has just had it happen, can you walk me through the steps you went through before.

I assume it was just launch GOW > set defense team > exit GW > go into X battle > can’t set team

I’m just not able to reproduce it on my own account at the moment.

Or if someone could grab a video of the process!

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Logged in before Tuesday reset > set defense team in Palace (Purple restriction) > exit GW > go into PvP: Troop Type and Kingdoms restrictions were gone (Color restrictions unchanged) > exit PvP > go into Underspire: Purple restriction were added above Karakoth restriction so it was Karakoth+Purple


PS4 - Basically, once you go in to edit your GW defense team that same restriction will get applied to other game modes.

After a restart I went into edit the team for Invasion and the Undead troop restriction was correct. Then I went into edit my GW defense team and the (Blue) restriction was correct there. After exiting that and going back into edit the Invasion team now the GW team restriction is applied there as well. So now I have a restriction of Blue & Undead for the Invasion team. Of course restarting corrects it again.

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here’s a replay of the error.

and please tell me again IF YOU KNOW - in GW Stellatrix and wand of stars will turn into brillantine and prism in def as well as in pvp. There is your answer in the neighboring thread, but would like to hear it again. Also what will happen with the new dragon - Chrysantherax. This is VERY IMPORTANT. if you DON’T KNOW, then please say so.

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If I’ve already answered it, then the answer is the same. Please do not post comments in bug threads, about questions from other places.

As for your video.. do you experience this when you aren’t running two Gems of War accounts on the same device?

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I have it regardless of whether I play through google play on PC or Steam. Both with one account and with two. in invasion for example the error if I remove and put defense in the castle. in PVP - if in another location, for example in tauros.

I just had this happen. I viewed my GW defence team (blue restriction), then tried to do Wednesday Pet rescue. It complained my team was invalid (I had one non-blue troop set).