[Resolved] Adventure Board Deeds Bugged? (Once a bug report is resolved. It's no longer restricted to the bug report rules for comments. Fyi. Common sense. But since common sense isn't so common, I removed the category. šŸ˜€)

But you can assume that they didnā€™t? :man_shrugging:
I donā€™t care either wayā€¦ Whether itā€™s a coincidence or not. I think itā€™s hilarious that anyone would assume that the deed tasks canā€™t be bugged.

Lolā€¦ They didnā€™t. Kafka literally changed the title of like the 5-8 most recent bug reports and skipped over this one.
I added it to the title myself. Because whether or not it was or wasnā€™t bugged. My SERIOUS question about it being bugged is now resolved.

But to be fairā€¦ She also didnā€™t put ā€œNot a bugā€ on the thread either. Like she did with another thread about a troop that should be bugged. But evidently is working as intended and Iā€™m disgusted by the tactic of it.