What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened
I was expecting the craftable dragonite dragon to change upon weekly reset. Instead, it stayed as Amethialas instead of switching to Topasarth as it should have according to players on other systems. I have confirmed this problem with other Xbox players.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
This week only. The dragon rotation has been working properly until now.
Steps to make it happen again
The issue persists after daily reset, and after rebooting the game. Perhaps the rotation will work again on next weekly reset, who knows.
My invite code is RAZOR_3. It does seem like this issue is for all Xbox players though, as mentioned. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game just now, no change.
The dev team got back to me on this issue:
Just quick update about this week’s Soulforge Dragon.
As each platform has their own servers, firstly it is possible that eg. Xbox, may have a different dragon in Soulforge to other platforms.
However, it should not be the same dragon twice in a row.
Unfortunately the development team cannot currently change the dragon rotation for Xbox, next week it should change to a different dragon in the Soulforge.
If it does not for any reason, please let us know!
There is precedent for PC/M to have different content than Xbox & PSN (Switch is a whole other topic) but it’s VERY rare. And you’ve given no indication that the dev team has even looked into the fact that Xbox has gotten the same dragon twice in three weeks (an obvious error) - just that it “should change” and if it doesn’t “let us know”
This is the first time I have been personally made aware that the dragon has remained the same two weeks in a row.
And, as previously mentioned, if the dragon continues to remain the same it is good if the development are alerted as such, rather than letting it continue being an ongoing issue.
All good - this is the first time it’s happened. In the three weeks since it’s been released. The playerbase will definitely let you know if the problem persists.
Thank you for acknowledging it is an issue instead of your original “sometimes servers have variances” excuse.
So, this ended up happening again, and our rotation is all out of wack now. Apparently the rotation has started again from Rubirath on other platforms, but we have had repeat dragons and are now on Emeraldrin, hopefully to FINALLY land on Nebuladryx next week which is the only dragon I’ve been waiting for! Very annoying.