[Reported] Weapon unlock progress wrong display

Platform, device version and operating system:

Nintendo Switch

Screenshot or image:

Simple enough to describe, omitted.

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:

When I look at an unowned weapon, it shows how to unlock it. In case it is unlocked by gem mastery levels, it should show the colors and levels required, and my current progress in those colors.

But instead of my progress in the relevant colors, it lists my water level value for any and every color. (i.e. This is a simple coding miss.)

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?

A bug due to coding miss, it has always happened and happens 100% of the time.

Steps to make it happen again

See above.

Bump. 10 months and still not fixed, this very simple bug.

I’ll bet that quite a few newbies are getting confused by this bug occasionally.

Related, I just checked Unowned weapons for myself (out of curiosity) and why does the availability tooltip only display when viewing the Hero’s card, instead of the spell (weapon) card itself?