[Reported] Wand of Stars changed to Sword of Heroes

Platform, device version and operating system:
Steam, pc on windows 10

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Wand of Stars changed to Sword of heroes with still the wand picture showing but now needing 18 blue mana

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Played pvp in Broken Lands on Blood Frenzy , Tauros
Steps to make it happen again
No idea, played numerous battles in the same area and Wand remained wand

Prior report here: Weapon Glitch

This is very weird because it appears to retain the Mana Cost from the Wand, but its actual effect upon cast is the Sword of Heroes.

Is anyone recording video such that they can capture it happening in more than just screenshot form?

I don’t know exactly what triggered it, it might have been a side effect of the portal gems.
I wasn’t paying too much attention to the battle.
I lost a troop and was surprised my wand wasn’t loading, then I noticed it only took blue mana and changed into the sword!
I do know that at the start of the battle it was still a normal working wand!

Thanks for linking the other report!
I knew I had seen it, but couldn’t find it when I searched for it.

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Surprised this isn’t acknowledged officially yet!

This is a new bug that needs to be looked into AND fixed!

This weapon is The Wand of Stars. It’s supposed to “Choose one: Create 6 Elemental stars. Bless all allies. OR Create 7 umbral stars. Curse all enemies”. How did it completely change its properties? And even though the multi-color gems it fills with is there , only blue gems fill it up.


The title says Sword of Hereos. Sort wpns alphabetically and look for wand. Could be a graphic error on that wpn.

It’s back to normal now. It only happened once in pvp. And notice at the upper right it gives the wand of stars info of Blessed and Cursed.

Update: It’s not a graphic error because it actually takes on the skill of the other weapon. It just happened again in pvp. It just switches after I kill an enemy.

Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the screencaptures.

I’ve reported this issue to the development team.

If anyone could capture a video of this issue happening it would be greatly appreciated to narrow down when and how this particular issue happens! :slight_smile: