[Reported] Voting open 3h before daily reset on Saturday morning European time

Platform, device version and operating system: Mobile/PC

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
It’s 7.05 a.m. on Saturday mornig. Voting in citadels is now open. It shouldn’t be open until Sunday 9.00 a.m. European time, and yet it is open, with timer set to end at daily reset on Saturday.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
I noticed this at 6.30 a.m. European time

Steps to make it happen again
Go to Alliance, see voting open.


And bonus gold marks for today ended early, right?

I don’t know that, sorry :frowning: I played my GM bonuses shortly after reset yesterday, so I have no way to verify. But it would fit in with the problem, it’s as if the game (or at least PvP module) thinks it’s a full day (24h) + 3h ahead.

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It gets better. Voting ends at reset/ 30 minutes from now.


So if e.g. after reset 10 citadels are vulnerable, and on Sunday all of them have Gold Mark rewards, we can assume it’s intended since there’s no official communication/details on the topic.

:person_shrugging: :vulcan_salute:


I guess that is their fix to one Alliance winning everything. Make them all available at once and make things end/reset at an unexpected/weird time.

Also, shorten the cycle so people have to stay glued to Gems of War or “miss out” on 11/14 gold marks.

Seems legit


Well, to be fair, it’s Saturday evening in Australia. People have the right to a work-free weekend; Kafka mentioned a few days ago that there’s some issue related to daily reset affecting citadel wars, but nothing more than that.

I was wondering what we will see in 20 minutes after daily - citadel wars? In which region(s)? Will regional restrictions reset now, instead of on Monday? Will our 30-people bubbles reset too? Will the PvP mode work at all? Or game itself? Where does the bug end? I guess we will see soon…


‘Next week’ everywhere :rofl:

What a complete mess. And the communication about it is just overwhelming.


Well… people have a right to peaceful days off between their work weeks. For sure. But this is a business. And generally speaking, if your business is open and taking money on weekends, you have people working on weekends to deal with them. :woman_shrugging:


I have said countless times they need a small team in the US and Europe to cover the times that they are not online. Maybe a team of 3, a dev and 2 CX members per region.


You’ll be happy to know there’s Saturday battles and it ends in 6 hrs. …

(and none of this timing makes any sense to me)

oh and it happens to be buggy too, ofc

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only citadel battles i been seeing that works till i win then i get a cliffy error @TheIdleOne

so that is why i am saying no battles any day of the week , if you must know. which results ih a lost of battle plus lost of a sigil

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6.55 a.m. on Sunday. Citadel wars are active in Winter’s Reach and Summer Isle. Timer counting down to daily reset today

On top of that - outer regions restrictions changed to match results from voting that happened yesterday!!!


@Kafka - more of the same, but different :wink: Please take a look at this thread and add this to the 7.5 discussion with the devs.

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At this point, they’re better off reverting every Alliance PvP change they did in the last few days. All of them.

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That would probably more than double the current staff.


Kafka said they have a team in the US, so is this just another lie?

You misheard - they said that team is US. Meaning it’s really still them.


Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for letting us know the vote was opened early.

I’ve passed this onto the development team!