[Reported] "Upgradable" filter ALWAYS flags Immortal Troops as "Traitable"

Spottted on: Switch, current version (but appears consistent across all platforms)

Screenshots: (taken/available)

When checking your Troops collection, if you specify a sort order of “Upgradable” then any Immortal Troops in your possession (e.g. Immortal Titanius) are always sorted as “Traitable” regardless of whether you actually have any Immortal Souls to upgrade them with. Note that the Immortal Troop does not show the green “+” icon associated with (actually) Traitable troops.

Due to the small pool of Immortal Troops total this is just an annoyance, but as a matter of principle it is tantamount to normal Troops appearing as “Traitable” just because you haven’t unlocked their 3rd trait yet, even if you don’t possess the Traitstones to actually upgrade them.


On Xbox at least, the same issue occurs with Immortal Weapons. They show up as “Upgradeable” and even have the upgradeable indicator on them, despite not being upgradeable with ingots (at least not since that bug was fixed).

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Same on PC/Steam. Immortals should really only be showing as Traitable if the player has enough Immortal Souls to unlock or upgrade the traits on them.

While we’re at it: sort by Base Rarity mixes Immortal (and Boss) troop in amongst the Mythic troops. It’d be nice if these acted as higher-than-Mythic rarities; at least as far as filtering/sorting goes.


Also pets.


Not Boss. Boss is a troop type, not a rarity. Bosses are just mythics with a weakness against Godslayers. If they really were higher rarity, you should be able to ascend mythic to boss and level bosses higher than 20.

Immortals don’t really fit in the rarity system at all, since their levelling works so differently.

I’m fine with being able to filter by troop type for both bosses and immortals, even though immortal is not technically a troop type.

Just a small qualifier: Not all Immortals show up as Traitable, only the ones not fully traited i.e. Level 3 or below. Still it is wrong (and annoying) that they show up like this cluttering up the actually upgradeable troops.

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Same for their weapons and pets

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Hey all,

Shared this with the team to investigate further!
I had it happen on my account with my Immortal Weapon, but my Immortal troops are awaiting an upgrade anyways so I can’t accurately test that myself… and I have no pets.
Should we have any further questions or an update, one of the team will jump back in here.

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