[Reported] Underspire - battles fought after purchasing lanterns not displaying correctly

Android, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7, v13

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:

I expected that I could play with a lantern and have the game record the result. Instead I had to exit the game and restart it for the results to show. This happened last week, as well - I did not have ss then.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Consistent problem with purchasing lantern and then playing immediately.

Steps to make it happen again
Go to underspire, purchase lantern, then play. After winning the battle, it is still shown as playable and the lantern count is not shown as decremented. It looked like I could replay the battle . I went all the way to the point where it asks for a lantern or torch to start the battle - I did not test that part because I didn’t want to waste a torch or lantern.

Similar to the earlier problem with lanterns not being playable after purchase until after exiting the game. That was solved. This looks like the latest fix partly unsolved it again.


This happened exactly the same this week. Use last week’s screen shots for reference.

Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the screencaptures.

I’ve let the development team know abotu this issue.