[Reported] Touch By An Angel achievement not activating on Steam

Platform, device version and operating system: Mobile/PC

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I expected to see the count progress and receive the Touch By An Angel achievement on Steam after destroying 100+ Angel gems

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Began with the 8.3 update and is ongoing

Steps to make it happen again

  1. Play the game on Steam without already having the Touch By An Angel achievement.
  2. Destroy any number of Angel gems and verify the 0/100 count has not changed.
  3. Destroy 100+ Angel gems and verify that the achievement was not earned.

Following the 8.3 update, I played with teams appropriate to earn the new achievements, Boo to You, Thunderstruck, and Touch By An Angel (TBAA). Progress for both Boo to You and Thunderstruck was visible throughout and the achievements were earned as expected. No progress was visible for TBAA and the achievement was not earned after destroying 100+ Angel gems. I closed the game on Steam and opened it on Android to verify the problem scope. After one battle with a TBAA-earning team, I received all three achievements through Google Play.
No change in behavior was experienced upon returning to playing the game on Steam.



Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the screencaptures.

I’ve let the development team know about this in the meantime!!


having the same issue with the Angel gems, achievement does not unlock on Steam as the counter is not working.


I went into my Steam account as well to see the Angel Gem progress, and also locked.


For lightning gems I went to green PvP (they fall from the sky this week) and it counted as done. I didn’t try creating my own and enemy didn’t create their lightning gems either, so I can’t say if such kind of gems get registered or not.

Ghost gems - both player and enemy created gems count (at least in my experience). I had a few from encountering those “chance to create ghost gems” troops in explore; today I put campaign weapon that creates ghost gems on my team paired up with “destroy gems” troop like Thrall or Bogstrider or Marilith and such - achievement ticked as completed.

Angel gems counter, though, hasn’t moved a bit. Not that I’m in a hurry - I see those achievements as ‘whatever, they’re done when they’re done’ sort of deal.
Simply confirming that this one is bugged.


You reminded me that the Ghost and Lightning gem achievements are new too with patch - so no surprise that this week I didn’tt have any progress yet. Those are going up now that I am concentrating on them. But Angel gems remains locked.

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Same problem here

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Still the problem here!

Just a follow-up to say the last update resolved this issue. Thanks!


Is there an issue with Xbox achievements as well? Aside from the Geoff one, which I know i havent completed, i have like 6 other normal ones that haven’t unlocked including the Angel one

They should all be working currently.

Which ones are they?

Depending on the type of completion requirement it has you may be able to unlock them just by interacting with similar things in game. For example, if it’s about Kingdoms, clicking around the Kingdom menus, if it’s about renown, just completing any delve again and that sort of thing. You don’t necessarily have to complete the whole achievement again to make it pop if you already meet the requirements in some circumstances, just do something around it to trigger the game to check your progress again.