[Reported] The Maze Banner is broken ... Again

Locked the thread because it was unconstructive. This is not the vibe any of us should be creating or contributing to in the community. Anyone who crossed the line into trying to start fights, insults or bullying has been suspended.

re: Khafru - we’ve got a potential fix for this in the next game update v8.2 - it cannot be fixed on the fly like the banner can as it required a coding change which means it requires a client update - or full game update where it goes through the full QA and store submission process. Also, probably not a Khafru specific issue, but it does seem to trigger more often with this troop, possibly even just due to the popularity of the troop and other factors, so it was easiest to encounter and notice with this troop. Hopefully the change we’ve made will solve this but it isn’t straight forward so we’ll know it worked if no one encounters the issue again in 8.2.