[Reported] Summon bug again

Platform, device version and operating system:
Win 11 Steam
Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:

Last troop was cursed, lycantrophy active, burning, stunned, entangled, frozen etc. I cast Queen Ash and killed troop above, nearly killed final troop.

Final troop changed into Festival Cow and locked - similar to previous 8.2 bug fixed in 8.3, no moves possible, is opponent’s turn…

Also, Queen Ash is still bugged, there was a response that it was going to be fixed (2 years ago?) so that it doesn’t fire at nothing when next to last target is killed or opponents are in first slot or 4th,

Furthermore, heroic gems like freeze gems and curse gems are still problematic, at least twice last week I got Cliffy Errors and game crashed. Happens when heroic gems on board.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
First time since 8.3 update.

Steps to make it happen again

I’m guessing some combination of heroic gems, status effects and lycantrophy/summoning.

you might want to add your invite code too. they will ask for that.

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Thanks, will dm it if they do, no way I will replicate that easily so might be at it a while.

This seems to be a different type of issue. Do you happen to remember what that last troop was prior to transforming? Back when lycanthropy gems got introduced there used to be a bug with the hero transforming, maybe this somehow got patched in again.

I’m not 100% sure. I thought I’d saved the opponent as a s/s, but didn’t, and didn’t have recording on.

It was possibly hero or Maraji Queen. I seem to remember part of the opponents name, will look out for iit.

I’m fairly certain I did enough damage to kill it, so that was also weird.

Hey, thanks for reporting this!

How close to the time you created the thread did the battle you took the screenshot in happen?
I’ll try to get more info from your battle logs.

Next time you get the cliffy error, please screenshot it as well :pray:

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Hi Kafka

Thanks for the reply.

It was just before, as I left the battle on the retreat tab for about 23 minutes and created the screenshot during that time and posted.

I will post others if I get them again. It’s fairly rare though. Terror seemed to be an issue pre patch but seems better.