[Reported] Small full mana troop pictures

Platform, device version and operating system:
Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
When reaching full mana every troop has a squashed picture. Happens to both teams.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Happend in every match so far today.

Steps to make it happen again
Start a match and fill mana to full.


Same here, just came to this forum to see if this was reported or a known issue.
Also PC / Steam.
All other images are normal proportion, but the “full mana” image for troops looks like it is a lower resolution / and distorted to be wider than normal.


Same. I will note that for me, the problem was resolved after a game restart. Hopefully that works for others as well.


Ill have to try restarting as my weapons were squishy as well in collection and fights even b4 fully charged


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I’m experiencing this too. Restarting the game for one player fixed it to I’m going to try that, but I didn’t have this problem until I logged in for the morning. Things were still normal an hour before reset, which I only know since reset is at 3 AM (US EST) and I stopped playing sometime past 2 AM.

This is happening on Steam for me. I haven’t checked Android.


So earlier I reported the issue, then had to take off. Now that I’m back home again, I launched the game and the problem is gone (supporting the idea of restarting) except the new troop Ghulemoth. Ghulemoth’s full mana picture has a black bar on the right.

Hello :slight_smile:

I’ve let the team know about this issue.

In the meantime, I have a quick question:

  • Which gamemode is this issue happening?
  • Please provide your Invite Code

Can corroborate, I just observed this on Switch – my screenshot:

Notice how ONLY Ghulemoth seems to be affected – other Troops are fine.