[REPORTED] Russian localisation error

Hey @overthinker

Thank you for reporting this. I have reported this to the development team and they’ve let me know that as this in-game announcement was place in the game rather quickly they didn’t have time to have it properly translated.

All future announcements like this will be properly translated in future :slight_smile:

OminousGMan - Support Human :male_detective:


Some more localisation mistakes.

  1. Carmina’s third trait.
    English version: Death Mark AN enemy

Russian version: Death Mark a CHOSEN enemy

Edit: In fact, Carmina’s trait Death Marks a random enemy. The problem might lie in the original description, which might have been confusing to translators.

  1. Diamond Ring of Fire & Ice
    English version: Freeze and Burn all Enemies.

Russian version: Freeze and Burn all red and blue Enemies.

And some typos.

  1. Dark Forest Troll should be Тролль not Троль (double letter), as this is the right Russian spelling of this Scandinavian creature. All the other trolls in the game are spelt correctly.
  2. Ogre Fury trait. Right now it is translated as “Огр ярость”, which is grammatically incorrect. Unless it was intended, this should be something like “Ярость Огра”

An enemy = chosen enemy,если в целом по игре. Так что это ошибка в англоязычном написании трейта, а не ошибка перевода

Написано криво, переведено ваще без понимания игры


Ой, и действительно. Спасибо за уточнение


All the issues I’ve mentioned are now fixed. Thank you very much!


Hey @overthinker

I’ve grabbed those new issues you posted and reported them to the development team. Thanks for letting us know :slight_smile:

OminousGMan - Support Human :male_detective:

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Hi there! It seems that Google Translate has been used to translate some latest troops. For example, Kris Krinkle has grammar mistakes in the spell description and 3rd trait. It’s awful.

May I offer my version?
Spell: Дает всем союзникам () к случайному параметру и случайный положительный эффект. Затем дает 50 золота, 20 душ и 2 карты сокровищ.

3rd trait: Вероятность создать 3 морозных камня* в начале хода - 30%

  • I honestly don’t remember how “freeze gems” are officially translated.
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From spoilers: I see that Tuzi Russian name is “Тузи”. That’s incorrect, her name must be “Туцзы”.


Hi! There are a few loсalisation errors connected with “Summer of love” holiday event.
In the News section, some lines haven’t been translated.
The title (both in news section and event menu) says High King Irongut

Also, there’s some inconsistency between the troop and the pet, the troop is named Флоренция , the pet is Цветок Фиренцы


Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for letting us know.

I’ve let the development team know about the locilisation error. If in the meantime you have any appropriate suggestions for the names, that would be great :slight_smile:

Pet should be called “Цветок Флоренции”

It seems that autotranslate has been used for lots of things, for example, this week’s troops and weapon (Kit the Sly, Vulpine Mage and Fox Fang), campaign lore and dialogues in the Nightweaver class trial.

My (optimistic) guess is that it’s just a placeholder until a quality translation is ready.

If it’s not, and there is a problem with Russian localisation, I’ll be glad to offer my help with correction.

Edit: my guildmates kindly asked me to remind that lore for shiny troops still isn’t translated.