[Reported] Reset of PVP ladder

Platform, device version and operating system:
PC, Windows 10

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Was expecting global ladder reset and real scores but look at no of fights and VP.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
This screen been took 53 min after weekly reset - 9:53 AM CET

Steps to make it happen again
Look at global ladder


That’s me in 2nd place! And yeah, those scores aren’t valid, I did play some PvP after reset but certainly not 735 fights. This is not at all fair to the other players in my Diamond League, who all have normal valid scores.

One observation here: I was playing a PvP battle at reset time (in a Blood Frenzy region, I think); on completing the battle I got a CLIFFY error and the game rebooted. Don’t know if that was related to or caused the score oddity? Usually that would only pop the “The Blood Frenzy regions have changed” message.

(MAISIE_SKWE if you need the invite code)


Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the screencapture!

I’ve let the development team know about the placements not resetting.