[Reported]"Random Troop" MVP

Platform, device version and operating system:
Steam, Windows 10.

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
The MVP screen at the end of the battle should feature one of the troops from your team in the battle. What I saw was “Random Troop”, “This troop was chosen at random” with 33 for each of the stats. A guildmate saw the same a few hours ago.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
It does not happen often. It began happening with release 7.3.

Steps to make it happen again
Play PvP in 7.3 , but the problem does not happen often. I saw it when battling Orcs in Broken Lands.

Update: I saw this twice again soon after, and so did another guildmate. I was using this team against Orcs each time: [1426,6682,7195,7316,3075,3,1,2,2,2,1,2,14008] (Wand of Stars, Fist of Zorn, Trk’Nala, Eye of Arges). Further update: just had five in a row, so seems easy to replicate vs Orcs in Broken Lands.


I am pretty sure, this happens when the hero would receive the MVP status.

Might be related to the failure to save Pvp defenses outside the central kingdom, I imagine.

Still seeing this today. Might be every dozen battles or so.