[Reported] PVP Leaderboard what Cheating Nonsense is this?

This morning 15 July I started off with PVP - this is the screenshot I took approximately 09:04 (09:00 am is the official weekly reset time for me):

Okay so I play and approximately 5 mins later - at 09:10 (this is now about 10 minutes after daily reset) I go to the Global Leaderboard and see this:

Notice how C in No 1 was not even in the Top 5 before, how he came out of nowhere - and suddenly has 63 000 VP - within a 5-minute span. Impossible. No one can have that score in 5 or 10 minutes after the reset…

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It’s a glitch with the game rather than the player. No way you can get 719 wins and 487 def losses in the opening 10 minutes. This is probably the players’ last weeks numbers.


I hope so. I have reported it and they need to fix this! If I had not decided to do PVP this morning would anyone have even noticed? How often do we have “glitches” like this in the game?


watch you dont get a ban for callouts. i got a two week ban got the exact same thing

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You actually get a ban for reporting a problem?? A problem that spoiled my PVP playing plans…

yeah just before Christmas. they even deleted my thread. since then i redact names from screenshots

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Mmmm…if they ban me for this I might never return. That might be the last nail in the coffin.


You really do need to provide your time zone with posts like this.

Other than that, I’m glad you did share yet another dumb glitch.

Okay - well 9 am here is the game reset time. So this happened immediately after the new week’s reset.

Strictly speaking no, however you should generally be redacting account names from screenshots in situations like this, to avoid an appearance of “doxxing” (“calling out”) and because the Internet (even a small community such as a forum) is unpredictable.

For comparison, if I check the Switch leaderboard (8:15h after weekly reset) I see this:

  1. Lv.2739, 360-4 Battles, 2-28 Defense, 45.8k VP
  2. Lv.2905, 291-0 Battles, 4-20 Defense, 34.7k VP
  3. Lv.1351, 167-5 Battles, 3-13 Defense, 16.6k VP
  4. Lv.1887, 114-0 Battles, 0-5 Defense, 13.7k VP
  5. Lv.1055, 62-1 Battles, 0-0 Defense, 11.5k VP

(top 2 are members of the same guild)

… which is a FAR more consistent curve than your screenshot has.

Considering the proximity to the weekly reset I’m willing to agree that maybe this is a legitimate glitch – if those were indeed the live (post-reset) numbers that would imply over 100 battles per minute in a game where a 60-second loop (which includes time loading in/out of and between individual battles) is already considered “fast”. Even if it could be explained as sharing the same user account across multiple devices, that could be immediately identified by a staff member consulting the serverside game logs.

In the meantime, it is fair to post some evidence and ask about it, but the specific identity of individual accounts is most likely non-relevant to the issue itself, and it’s especially frowned upon to do so with a specific allegation of capital-C “cheating”.

As a loose comparison, I know that if I sort my Troops by “Amount” and then Ascend a troop (which consumes extra copies, thus lowering the Amount) they are often left in the previous sort order (resulting in a collection screen, again sorted by amount, showing cards in order of “x33 x1 x21 x17 x14”) for some lingering time.

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This appears to be a possible daily reset bug, it and several glitches like it can occur especially if we play through the reset without logging out. Is the leaderboard still in disarray?

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Just a quick question, who else sees the leaderboard bugged with the previous week’s results?

Is this still ongoing even when you close Gems of War completely?

Of course I logged out completely and restarted. In fact doing that and taking screen shots wasted my play time and made me lose position and I will not play again this week.

Also note the first screen shot. That was after 5 mins after reset…I was 1st in PVP and that name was not there. He cannot do 60 000 VP in 10 mins. No one can. At a very fast speed it will still take several hours.

The same guy is still on the Leaderboard too today and his score is still there. Name starts with C but apparently I am not allowed to post it here. Check the email I sent to support and check play logs from the first ten minutes after yesterday’s weekly reset.

The other thing is how many people check the leaderboards closely just after reset? Maybe this happens all the time but no one has noticed before? Maybe tons of players jump in and no one notices because it is right after reset and few poeple care about the leaderboard? And by the time they play you cannot see anymore because others are also playing up by then.


No worries I will not play for leaderboard again. Who knows how many other players jumped in there with the same high score that were not even noticed by anyone. I cannot compete with this system.

The same guy stayed on the board all day yesterday and is still there today.

His score never went down.

I can’t find it on the forums now, BUT I believe, a while back, we had a similar case where the previous week’s totals were still displayed in the 30-people bubbles shortly after reset. But if I remember correctly, these results were corrected - I just can’t remember if devs had to do it on their end, or the incorrect scores corrected themselves. This might be related.

After I saw this thread, I went to the global LB and I saw the same scores as on the screenshot (didn’t take my own, I thought that wasn’t necessary). Right now, nearly 24h after weekly reset, this doesn’t look this suspicious - but it did at 9.04 a.m.

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Yes. The player moved up to 21st place. VP didn’t reset

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A previous report: [Reported] Reset of PVP ladder ; I was one of those whose scores wrongly carried over.

It did not correct itself; my scores were wrong that entire week, which must’ve sucked for other folks with me in their ladder.

I suspect it was something to do with my having been playing PvP during the weekly reset, but I tried doing exactly the same thing the next week to see if it would reproduce again; it did not.


(Which is to say: I think this is a reset glitch rather than deliberate cheating. Unless somebody’s figured out how to reliably trigger and exploit that glitch.)


Oh, I was sure it got corrected… Well, memories lie, clearly :sweat_smile: we all know that sometimes things don’t go the way they should at weekly resets, with various things. So I’m inclined to believe this is a one-off glitch, and hopefully we won’t see it again.

Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the update.

The team will take a look at this issue!

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