Platform, device version and operating system: Windows 10, Steam version
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
If I am playing Vault (no matter if I use regular or epic Vault keys) and want to push the “Play Again” button to use another key on the victory screen, I need to wait 1-2 seconds after the screen appears to push it. If I just quickly click through the victory screen, I instead get put back onto the world map.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
It might have honestly started appearing with the new Victory screen look - I didn’t use Vault keys for quite some time. But it’s 100% consistent and I can make it happen every time.
Steps to make it happen again
Use a Vault key and have more than one in your inventory.
Start clicking in the bottom right corner, where the “Play again” button appears once you have pushed the “skip” button, as soon as the Victory screen starts.
Despite hitting the button the moment it loads in, you will be back on the world map.
@Sheba are you repeatedly clicking the bottom right corner, anticipating the skip button to appear?
As doing so is exactly what will bypass the Play Again button and send you to the World Map.
If you aren’t doing this, and you are waiting for the play again button to appear, and then it still send you to the World Map - can you grab and attach a video please?
This can also happen after a round of Treasure Hunt, not just Gnome Vault runs. (I already have footage)
Well … “yes and no”.
While the rewards are being displayed, if you tap the right half of the “Skip” button rapidly (anticipating the “Play Again” button which will appear in that spot), there is a small moment where the buttons clearly display “Leave/Play Again” but the next tap gets treated as if you clicked “Leave” (left button) instead of “Play Again” (right button).
You have to wait a painfully long time for you to not get kicked out. This never happened before the previous update. Not the latest one that just came out but the one before. I used to use my XP booster to do vault keys and have done thousands but now it’s impossible and extremely frustrating. Even if the play again option appeared if you don’t just sit there and wait you will get kicked out sometimes
Oh, I absolutely am repeatedly clicking the bottom right corner, as that is what worked perfectly fine with the old victory screen to let me play another round.
I developed the muscle memory specifically for Vault - getting orbs requires clicks to open the orbs and then to close the orb window as well, after all. So just repeatedly clicking the mouse button regardless of reward in the bottom right corner let me zone out and just enjoy playing Vault instead of having to consciously check for orbs, click two more times then I would otherwise, then click once more…
That said, I just experimented and it can happen with a fast double click on the skip button as well.
If you need a video, I can look into that on Tuesday because I’m not at home until then, but yeah, repeatedly clicking is the culprit - but it wasn’t an issue on the old victory screen.
Last night I was experimenting along this matter (using Treasure Hunt) and I think I got an instance of tapping “Play Again” and it exited to the World Map, without skipping or mashing the button, just one press with very specific (possibly frame-perfect) timing.
But despite recording it on video (for what limited value that’s worth because, y’know, touchscreen), I was unable to reproduce it a second time across 5-10 attempts, and I called it a night.