[Reported] No Vulnerable Citadel Areas on Thursday?

I had no vulnerable areas yesterday with swords behind them - so thought that was normal because it was Wednesday. But again today Thursday I have no vulnerable areas?

Instead every single region has a purple crown on it, and all the regions are locked and showing the Dark Order already won.

Steam/ Mobile


Same here. Maybe it has to do with the incoming hotfix?


I hope so - just hope they are aware so that everything gets all fixed nicely tomorrow.

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Same here also

I thought all hot fixes were already deployed.
Never mind, will be tomorrow at noon. So we are going to miss out on stuff again.

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Sending 15 GMs is an insult. I’ve missed out on at least 250 marks. When a CW is not scheduled, not only do we lose out on GMs from that day, we lose out on a significant further number the following day. Why are we not being compensated properly for this??


So…we are getting a hot fix just before the weekend!?

I wonder…
What could possibly go wrong here!?


What could be better than bugs? only new bugs after hotfix :grinning:

New bugs to remove focus from current bugs and frustration.

Maybe? Yes? No? Perhaps?


Same on switch with no patch :rofl:


Maybe it’s national Kangaroo Day or something?

Wait, wasn’t that last week?:rofl:


Hello :slight_smile:

Would you happen to have a screencapture of this?

Of what exactly and why???

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@Bramble Per the United we stand post at least 1-2 of these should have been vulnerable today, but they are all listed as owned by The Dark Order


Everyone’s game is like this Bramble just look at it. No vulnerable regions today. On a day that’s supposed to have some. It’s not Sunday or Wednesday (the days there are supposed to be no vulnerable regions). Just say “working as intended” and we’ll all see what craziness the game has in store tomorrow. Apparently us and y’all are figuring it out together.


Thank you for posting this but enabling Gatekeepers just makes more gates. Cue “please provide your invite code…”

Still nothing after update. Figured they were just waiting to activate them on the new patch, but I guess not.

Hello :slight_smile:

This issue has already been reported to the development team.
The screencapture is a remnant of the multicitadel vulnerable bug issue which affected the timings of the Citadels for this week. (Since been fixed, and been allowed to run their course to avoid any conflict or further complications as Citadel Wars are designed to only run once per week per region.)

Next week all Citadel Vulnerabilities should be back to normal.


So “run their course” means no Citadel battles until Monday? Aka 5 straight days including yesterday? Were the 15 Gold Marks & 50 Gems compensation for the past or the future?


I guess it says Bay of Stars & Broken Lands will be vulnerable at reset & Central Spire on Saturday. We shall see.

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