[Reported] No Auto-HDR after update/hotfix

System: XBox Series X

Today i started up the game and notified that there was an update/hotfix. First the setup for screen size came up and then in the game i noticed that it looks very blurry and bloomy, too much color and ugly. I checked in the dashboard the installed game data and saw that the Auto-HDR function is gone. What happened? Game is hurting my eyes playing without HDR mode.

Deleted, cleared the cache and re-installed the game and found out it is consistent.

Please bring back the Auto-HDR function.


I grabbed your ticket, just waiting for some devs to start for the day to follow up.

There was an update to some backend XBOX data yesterday, which is why there was no post about it as it was my understanding it would not affect the game itself - it’s not an update or hotfix to the game.

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Can concur, there were no like updates for the Switch game client (only routine content updates/patches).

You can see people in chat that have blocked you in the past. The settings were easy to re adjust. I use x series s and had no problem with visual

For those with the HDR not working - do you have an XBOX One or XBOX Series X?

Xbox Series S and Series X. Both having completely the same issues.


Series x/s

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The only problem is xbox consoles.

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Xbox Series X

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XBox Series X

loading bar while trying to enter game freezes are more common