[Reported] Nintendo switch - active Guild Wars crashing

Nintendo switch

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Guild Wars is live this week contradicting the recent communication. Battles are starting but causing restart or cliffy error! Players have spent resources on this event to level sentries.

*How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?

Steps to make it happen again
Play any battle



I thought wars was canceled. My goodness!!!


The only thing cancelled is its functionality.


They forgot to cancel it on Switch platform…but it’s also still scheduled for next week on PC/mobile platforms… Frustration all around, compensation needed, and all could have been easily prevented


Xbox is scheduled too. Now at least we know it isn’t ready for prime time.

Thank you for the bug report that I was afraid was going to happen. Like @Fourdottwoone mentioned, once guild wars was active for this week, they couldn’t cancel it, and now this is a mess. Wins are becoming losses due to cliffy errors, and now we are left confused and frustrated while waiting for a response.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

You wanted to get data for a beta test? Well, here comes a wave of support tickets and bug reports…

@Kafka @Bramble @anyone…

Hoping all of you get your 320 gems back, not just the usual 50 with the generic apology mail.

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