What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
“Explode 4 red gems” should equal 2 red mana for red weapon. But the red weapon gets nothing.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Noticed it today. All the time – unless a 4+ match falls to replace exploded gems.
Steps to make it happen again
Put Firebomb on a team with any red-only weapon. Use the Firebomb when there are at least 4 red mana on the board. (Non-red gems exploded by the bomb that match the weapon’s other color(s) do accrue.)
most likely what is happening is the firebomb executes the “explode 4 red gems” part, and its mana is empty at that point, so it collects the mana, THEN it does the rest of dealing damage then destroying itself. It SHOULD destroy itself first imo, but the current order the effects are listed in makes sense for this outcome.
This is exactly it.
If you slow the game down, you’ll see that’s exactly what happens. We were using an odd Firebomb setup on GW a few wars back and we put the FB last because of this.
Is this what the team told you?
If that’s the case, would you ask them why did they finally wake up?
Firebomb was released in 2017, so nobody noticed it was working incorrectly during pre-release testing (mind you, it only takes a few seconds to notice) and for the period of about 6 years this troops has been in existence. Am I thinking along the correct lines?