[Reported Long Ago] Haunted Guardian Spell - Wrong Wording (under Android)

Still not stable in the version 6.8.

I tested under speed x3 and x4 - sometimes I see 3x5 block destroyed, sometimes - a “fat cross”. I suggested that it could depend on what gem I selected as a center, but it turned out to be completely random.

Still unstable in the version 6.9.

You already made the same destroying area for The Colossus (recent Mythic from Hellcrag) - why not use it here, for Haunted Guardian?

It seems to be working well for me at x4 speed now, with the latest update. You are still getting 3x5 blocks?

Yes, from time to time I see 3x5 blocks destroyed at the speed x4.

Strange. I have now tested it about 2 dozen times and I seem to be reliably getting the correct shape now. It seems to be fixed for my device now, but not for yours. Not sure why that would be happening.

I tested it in cPvP right now - many casts result in destroying 3x5 block. Try “c6” cell (3rd from the left edge and 3rd from the upper edge), at least first cast destroys 3x5.

Utterly bizarre. I tried C6, C3, F3, F6 - all resulted in the expected “fat cross” on my device. I filled it up manually so that it would be the first cast of the battle, and it still worked fine.

I just used Haunted Guardian in the Arena (summoned by Sir Gwayne), and one cast was normal, while another one - bugged.

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Version 7.0: still not fixed. At speed x4 I see 3x5 block removed.

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Version 7.1: not fixed. I noticed this bug with speeds x3 and x4. Not stable, though - sometimes it works as written, but in about 50% it destroys just 3x5 block. It will be 3 years soon since this bug was reported.

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Version 7.2: not fixed. Unstable behavior at speed x4: sometimes it’s cross, other times - 3x5 rectangle.

3 years! I started this thread in November 2020.


Version 7.3: not fixed. The same unstable behavior.

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A note (I still hope someone cares): in PvP I saw the same bug for the Haunted Guardian in defense. Some spell casts were 3x5, others looked good. When the spell is cast on some “terminal” gem (on a board edge or close to it), it works as intended, but it does not destroy 21 gem as long as the gem was close to an edge. When cast on some “inner” gem, it is bugged more often than not.

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Using Haunted Guardian in arena, on PS5. Seems like this bug still hasn’t been fixed.
Given that certain stuff gets fixed in days, when it helps players, why has it taken over 3 years for this to get sorted?

Thanks @Nullings for keeping this updated.

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Yes, I was too busy to test it when 7.4 was issued. And I can confirm that nothing changed, Haunter Guardian is still bugged.

Another bug that needs attention: Queen Ash not dealing damage when only one enemy troop remains ( Queen Ash bug ).


Version 7.5: Haunted Guardian not fixed. Queen Ash not fixed.


Version 8.0: Haunted Guardian not fixed. Queen Ash not fixed.


Version 8.1: Haunted Guardian not fixed. Queen Ash not fixed.