[Looks Fixed] Haunted Guardian Spell - Wrong Wording (under Android)

They can’t work on it, this whole thread doesn’t contain a single invite code.


Version 8.3: Haunted Guardian not fixed (destruction of a cross happens in about 1 time in 20, all remaining are 3x5 rectangle).

Queen Ash not fixed. If only one enemy troop remains, Queen Ash does not deal damage to it.


Haunted Guardian looks fixed. I played some Explore battles, and it destroys “cross 3x3”, just as expected. I checked many times, of course, for different positions, and the spell works well.

Queen Ash is still bugged, maybe we need to pop her topic up.

Queen Ash is still working as described. Not bugged.
You should put in a feedback request to have it changed to work the way you want it to, because it targeting the second last troop isn’t great, since it doesn’t work when there is no second last troop, but that’s how the spell is described, so it’s feedback not a bug.
I doubt a complaint will be taken serious if it gets called a bug and it isn’t, because they’ll just look at it, see it’s not a bug and dismiss it.