[Reported] Immortal Pet in Pet Rescue

Platform, device version and operating system:
Win 10, Steam. 8.0 version of Gems

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I was (literally) hoping to get Lucky, or any non-Immortal pet, after defeating the Pet Gnome. Instead I unlocked an event for Immortal Sagittarian’s Pony.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Due to the randomness of Pet Rescue I can not comment on the former. 8.0 for the latter.

Steps to make it happen again
Defeat a Pet Gnome and hope the system selects an Immortal Pet to rescue.

Edit: Forgot the invite code, since asked: RYEDDOTLER_AEXB


Hello :slight_smile:

Just confirming quickly that you aren’t meant to get Immortal Pets in Pet Rescue.

Thank you for the screencapture and the Invite Code!

I’ve let the development team know about this issue, and also included your account into the report!

Please let us know if this issue is also occurring on other platforms?

“Ummm teacher… weren’t we supposed to have a test today?”


With some respect, I have multiple kingdoms pet blocked at levels 12 and 16. Finding these Immortal pets in the Pet Gnome pool is of no benefit to me.

I know what you’re trying to say, but I say “too bad”.

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it literally says on the pet that Sagittarian’s Pony is from Divinion Fields.

They can impact Kingdoms that are blocked by pets, if the pet belongs to it.

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I’m well aware of what it says. I’m not spending thousands of Gems on baskets to upgrade a pet that apparently only levels with its Immortal, and, I might add, doesn’t even have an upgrade button.

I got nothing but respect for ya those kids usually end up successful :muscle:

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Also Lucky’s a great pet to have maxed hope you’re “lucky” enough to get it soon! :laughing:

Well, I need one more to take it to Legendary, then I can orb it to Mythic and unlock level 12 in Zul’thingy.

But, I’m going off on a tanget now.

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Eh we’re still riffing on the original topic and keeping the post top of forum so call it a win. And similar situation occurred with PvP pets when they first came out and it was fixed ASAP so I imagine you’ll get your wish before Sheggra’s Slime slides away.


Whilst it’s great PvP pets were removed from the Pet Gnome pool, at least those could be upgraded.

All this Immortal pet has is an equip and screenshot button, no use to anybody besides to look nice. :laughing:

Getting PvP pets without spending Silver/Gold Marks is a bug just like getting Immortal Pets without the now-defined super high cost to upgrade the associated Immortal is a bug. This one is waaaaay more valuable tho. Catching one is a flex at least own it.

I agree. Like I say, I’m glad PvP pets were removed from the gnome’s loot table.

It’s unclear if this is a bug that helps players or hurts them.

  • If getting the pet earns you an extra level on the relevant immortal, it saves you some immortal souls > GREAT!
  • If getting the pet has no effect on the immortal, then either you will get some extra pets when you level the immortal up, that can be traded for pet food. Or more likely, since the system isn’t intended for you to have extra copies of this pet and has no upgrade menu, you’ll end up with extra copies that have no effect and can’t be traded. Which means this pet rescue mission was utterly wasted. > TERRIBLE!

Normally, I’m all for “don’t complain about bugs that help you”, but this could be a situation where a lot of players get screwed over, because the system isn’t designed to handle this, and in that case it needs fixing quickly.
I’d also like the devs to check whether this will mess players up, should they wind up with too many immortal pets, and make sure there’s a way to address this, like an option to trade extras.

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