[Reported] Immortal Glaycia bug - awakened traits show on all Glaycias (even if they are not max level)

Platform, device version and operating system: PC

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I have a Level 30 Glaycia, which has awakened traits (among them, generating 3 freeze gems when my turn beings).
Opponent Glaycia is Level 11 and seems to have the exact same traits and generates 3 freeze gems when their turn beings. It seems like the opponent Glaycia should ge

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Once I upgraded my Glaycia to Level 30, I started noticing it.

Steps to make it happen again
Battle any opponent in pvp (Winters Reach, Fey this week) and the behavior is readily observable.


Update - tested this out a little furth in a practice PVP battle with a guildmate - this is how they see my Lvl 30 immortal:

So in this case, my Lvl 30 Immortal Glaycia is not creating 3 freeze gems and only generates one freeze gem per turn. Is this intentional? If so, it would seem like there would be little motivation to upgrade immortals to max level as opponents would get those same awakened traits.

This only seems to be an issue with traits - since my immortal Glaycia still shows the lower mana cost:


sounds like a similar error to the original shiny troops


Was that error ever addressed?

game is not supposed to have different traits on the same troop, so… LOL

Good point - something that is “empowered” or “awakened” would appear to be a different troop. There are even icons on each troop to indicate they are different:

Normal Glaycia:

Empowered Glaycia:

You can see the indicator that the traits are empowered on one, but not the other - however they both still have the exact same traits. I don’t think this is intentional.

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yeah. originally, the opponents troops were based on your shiny level instead of the opponents, so if you had the improved spell, they would too. mana cost as well.

so there’s some hope to see this resolved, even if not that many people have level 30 Glaycias

well, assuming they understand this Glaycia issue is also a (similar) bug

Was this the bug? [Reported] Opposing Troop appears to be shiny - #20 by Anam_Cara
I looked at it and wasn’t clear from release notes if it was ever addressed.

I feel that it was fixed as I don’t remember seeing the opposing troops being super shiny anymore especially since they change their colour when it happens. On the other hand I didn’t get to shiny level 1 until the weekend and I don’t remember battling another journey troop at that stage to confirm that it wasn’t equally shiny as mine.

Hello :slight_smile:

I’ve reported this issue to the development team and included the screencaptures into the report.

Hello :slight_smile:

This issue was fixed.

I hope this clarifies any confusion.

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@Bramble - qq - was this fixed deployed to Gems or is this happening at a later date? I’m asking because the issue is still occurring as of 10/11 10am EST.

Lol no it hasn’t been fixed. :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

Bramble was referring to the shiny troop issue being fixed. The immortals thing is still in-progress