[Reported] Immortal Captichor spell broken

Platform, device version and operating system:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
When using the troop Immortal Caprichor, the spell says “explode 5 gems of a chosen color”, but it only explodes 3 gems of that colour. I have tried picking colours with just 5 gems on screen, and it clearly doesn’t explode them all, so I slowed the game speed down and watched, to confirm that it only explodes 3.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Happens every time. Not sure when it started.

Steps to make it happen again
Use this troop. Trigger it’s spell and watch how many gems it explodes.


Hello :slight_smile:

I’ve let the development team know about this issue! :slight_smile:


Thank you. :grin: :grin: