[Reported] (Harmless) Visual shield bug

Platform, device version and operating system:
Windows 10 x64

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Sometimes summoned troop get enlarged shield number. Like this Thief which was summoned by Nightweaver trait. Observed also from resurrected Phoenix and Infernal King (both - on enemy side, so side doesn’t matter). If shield changed (diminished or added) then numbers normalizes.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
About the same amount of time as sudden softlock on enemy transformation. 2-3 weeks, I suppose?

Steps to make it happen again
Summon troop. Sometimes.

What resolution do you play on?

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This also happens on Switch (720p handheld). I guess that under normal circumstances, when a number gets buffed it pulses to a larger font size for a second, but under specific conditions the larger font size sticks until the number changes.

I have videos of a few incidents, I just need to find them…

No need for videos. I’ll add that it’s happened on Switch as well in my report. Thanks!!

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Happens on other platforms too, especially Xbox.

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1024x768 window.

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