[Reported] Game shows Extra Turn icon falsely

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
When casting Wand of Stars weapon, sometimes the game shows the Extra Turn icon even though there is no 4 or 5 match. See the two slow motion Youtube clips I attached for more information.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
I noticed it started happening couple days back.

Steps to make it happen again
Play enough battles using Wand of Stars hero weapon and eventually the bug should show up.


My observation is that it happens when a Turn Start trait (in this case Pharaoh) causes a 4+ match. That alleged trigger is not captured in these videos.

Extra turn doesn’t get granted, but animation seems to be carried forward anyway to end of turn/beginning of opponent turn.

First noticed it with Tak teams.

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Likewise with the debut of the Nexus kingdom, where all Troops create 1 Gem of their color on turn start, so if this happens to create a match of 4 gems, the “Extra Turn” notification will appear at the end of your turn regardless of what kind of match you make.

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Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the recorded footage.

I’ve reported this issue to the development team.