[Reported] Game Crash cause of no moves

Platform, device version and operating system: Nintendo Switch

Screenshot or image: Forgot to hit the button to do so

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Was wondering if there was a failsafe if the board was completly filled with gems, in this case Angel gems, that cannot be removed.
When no more moves could be made the game crashed.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Just once and right after no more move could be made.

Steps to make it happen again:
Fill the board with enough gems that cannot be matched.
So it’s a very situational thing but something that should be looked at. So that in the future it doesn’t give room for troll defense teams in PvP to crash people their games.

Yes: under normal circumstances, if the board fills with inert gems to such extent that literally no matches are possible, the entire board gets erased, all Troops are reset to zero Mana, then an entirely new board drops in.

Example video


But if the game is crashing now … hmm, is this something you can produce reliably? What were some of the Troops you were using at the time?

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Will test out again later today and this time make a video. To see if it really happens again.
It happened in the Raid Boss event and team was:
Priest class - Divine protector
Priestess of Light

So had ways to stop it from happening but was curious and like said will try again to see if it indeed was just once or something wrong after all.

Edit: Tried to recreate and make a video but found out cannot make videos when game crashes on the Switch. Did confirm it cause a crash again though. So it is consistent.

Playing with game speed 4x on the Nintendo Switch. It did look like the blocks were going to be removed but then it crashed when they were half way. Maybe the bless that Angel gems give causes the error on such a board reset?

Dang, should have suspected (been there myself). At least if it’s consistent you can snap screenshots, but whether they will be of any use is a different matter.

I don’t have Amatiel myself, but I probably could set up a similar situation to see what happens.

Hello :slight_smile:

Yes, there is a failsafe where the entire gemboard should reset and be refilled.

As a fellow community member has mentioned, if you are able to get a screencapture of the frozen board (of filled gems) and let us know what gamemode you were playing it will help a lot with the investigation!

That said, I’ve let the team know about your incident. :slight_smile:


It happened in the Raid Boss event.

Not sure if playing at 4x speed is the cause or to many blessings from the Angel Gems activating at once that the Nintendo Switch cannot handle.
At least can recreate it by filling up the board with Angel gems and same thing happens. The game just crashes as it attempts to wipe the board.

Now that the 7.5 client update has dropped, it’s probably worth one more test to see if anything has changed.

Earlier today I experimented with 3x General Edison and filled the board with Bomb Gems – which did not obviously crash the game, so this may be specific to Angel Gems.

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Just tested it out, with Angel Gems, and this time the board resetted as shown in the video. So the update does seem to have fixed it. Which is good to see ^^

Edit: Spoke to soon. For some reason a second time it happened the game crashed again. So quite strange that it didn’t happen first time but second time it did.