[Reported] Epic trials tile in Games is not working


Screenshot or image: see description

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
There’s a new tile in Games menu reading “Epic Trial”. Clicking it does nothing - it takes us to the main screen. It doesn’t open the kingdom menu, it doesn’t open the trials menu. Just go to main map. I’ve completed only the first epic trial, I have battles left to complete.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Every time you click the Epic Trial tile in the Games menu

Steps to make it happen again
Go to Games menu, click on the Epic Trials tile.


Will it be fixed by the end of the week?

Very unlikely, it’ll probably need a new client to be released for the new tile to be fixed.

However, you can still get to the epic trial by going to the kingdom and then clicking trials, as we’ve been doing since the epic trials were introduced.

Well spotted, Dwuemka.

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This is an issue on all platforms and has been addressed right after 7.0 went online, together with the Uninspired tab not working on the kingdom. Devs didn’t even reply or acknowledge it, so it probably won’t be fixed anytime soon. Or with weekly reset, but without a word …

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I believe this might have something to do with this:

This was reported already when the first epic trials went live, and hasn’t been fixed to date. The game clearly thinks I’ve completed all trials (says complete on the tile, and it said complete also on Monday, when I had only non-epic I-II done,with III-X still left to do), which I haven’t done, I only completed 225.

The game thinks epic trials are done, so the redirect fails for some reason.

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Hello :slight_smile:

I’ve let the development team know about this issue, and added your account into the report.

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Platform, device version and operating system: Windows 10/Steam

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
If you click on the ‘Epic Trial’ button at the far right of the ‘Games’ menu, you are just taken back to the overworld screen, it doesn’t even highlight the kingdom that has the trial going on for the week.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
100% reproducible.

Steps to make it happen again
Go to ‘Games’ menu, click the ‘Epic Trial’ button.


Yes. I noticed that the day the patch was released.

I’ve noticed it too as I keep accidentally clicking it wanting treasure hunt.

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This is also happening with the PS4 version.

Epic Trials timer still showing the wrong numbers, at least on Xbox. Since the beginning. The event ends with all the other events each week. And not 2 hours after reset …

@Bramble @Kafka @OminousGMan

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Hello :slight_smile:

As this is a different issue to the original thread

  • Please provide a screencapture of the wrong numbers for the Epic Trials timer

It’s just 2 hours on top. So a picture alone won’t do much. But here you go. Take a look at the Epic Trials Timer and also Festival of Feathers. There’s a 2 hour discrepancy.

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In the Games screen, when you click the Epic Trial button, it just closes the Games Menu (so that you are on Krystara or Underworld). I would expect it would take me to the current kingdom’s trial similar to the Underspire button does. This was on latest iOS. This has happened for at least the last 2-3 weeks. Maybe longer.

Hello :slight_smile:

A quick heads up @Quincy that I’ve merged your thread here!

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Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the screencapture!

I’ll let the development team know about this time issue.

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Hey, just saw that. Thank you. Sorry for duplication

The end-time issue was also reported in:

Perhaps a few posts from this thread could be moved there.


still busted

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