[Reported] Epic trial in games

iOS latest version for phone and game.

Aside from the already reported bug that epic trial just takes you to the Home Screen… the timer is off by 7 hours as seen in the below screenshot.

Hello, :slight_smile:

Just a quick question for further investigation.

  • Please let me know what timezone you are in?
  • Did you experience any server connection issues close to the time of noticing this issue?

Hey Bramble, I am mountain standard time. Reset is at 12 AM Monday for me.

I don’t recall experiencing any server issues out of the ordinary around this time.

Hello :slight_smile: @Quincy

Thank you for confirming.

  • What happened when the timer for the event reached zero?
  • Please provide your Invite Code

You’re welcome, I got distracted and forgot to check that at the time (sorry).

Hello :slight_smile:

I’ve passed on your details to the development team and also included the screencaptures that you have provided us!

  • Since then, have you noticed any timer issues with the Epic Trials? (Are they working correctly now?)

Hey Bramble,

It appears the timer is still off. Epic trials just takes you to the world map when clicked, but that’s nothing new. Here are screenshots of it right now compared to underspire timer.

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This hast been reported a few times last year already but got dismissed as not a bug. :thinking: