[Reported]Duplicate unit names "Seehexe"


please do not use duplicate names.

it already happend with “Band der Verdammnis” weapon as well


This is fascinating. Is that german language? If so, do you have different words for hag and witch? They are named differently in English - sea witch and sea hag.


Nope. I could not even tell, what the difference between those two terms would be.

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So that is the problem. In English, the two words mean basically the same thing - the words probably originate from two different languages.

There is actually a German word that matches hag pretty well, Vettel. It’s not really used much nowadays, fits a fantasy theme though.


Well, “hag” originates from Middle/Old English while “witch” originates from … Middle/Old English. Huh. More importantly, “witch” derives from an OE word for “to practice magic/sorcery” specifically, while “hag” does not.


I was thinking viking vs norman contributions to the development of the language, so yes, Middle/Old English. Anyway, we already know we have two words in English, I was wondering whether there are two separate words in German - this is often a problem when translating from English to other languages (and vice versa) and why translation is more of an art than a science.


Hagazussa or hagzissa are very old German words for witches (Hexen). Hag used to mean fence and the zussa/zissa meant something like sitter - so hagazussa is a fence sitter. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Vettel (though that usually just means an old and unkempt woman, not necessarily a magic wielding one) would have been fitting, but they’d have to rename all the hags.

It kind of would make sense since you can summon a hag, Hexe in German, that I suppose won’t summon the sea witch.


In my experience hag is more like a mean word for an old woman, like crone, whereas a witch is any female who uses magic regardless of age (though people use it in different ways sometimes, especially in fantasy stories). The problem comes from the fact that in the past, most old women became associated with witchcraft and magic, so the two terms came to mean much the same thing.
For example, people used to think nightmares were caused by witches visiting you in the night or casting bad spells on you, so someone who hadn’t slept well was said to be hagridden, or hagrid for short, meaning a hag or witch had kept them awake.

Sounds like vettel would be a pretty good choice of translation for hag, but maybe they could use both, like seahexe and seavettelhexe? If that works? It might make the meaning clearer that way. Would that make sense?


As a German, Seevettelhexe wouldn’t work that well.

Alte (old) Seehexe would work better in that case. Dunkle (dark) Seehexe might also work, assuming she’s a wielder of dark magic (and since she’s from Darkstone).

Still wouldn’t solve the problem with summoning of a hag being a summoning of a Hexe in German that I suppose doesn’t summon the original Seehexe (it doesn’t in the English version so unless it’s cosed on a weird way it shouldn’t do that in German, either).

But at least the issue of two troops with the exact same name would be solved.


In the Event “Popup” it is “Böse Hexe der Nässe” which could also be a alternative name

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Just rename either of the two to ‘Wasserhexe’, solution found.

That’s also a good solution for the double names.

Or Seehexe and Meerhexe - See and Meer can both mean ocean/sea. (Die See is the sea, der See is the lake. German, am I right? :joy:)