[Reported] Citadel + Palooza

On Xbox I used a palooza and I used in Citadel. It was OK, except for the guardian fight, I had a freeze in loading before the fight.
I dont know if it’s because I used a palooza or a classic bug after yours update

Edit :
After a second test, again the game freezes when it is a guardian fight with a palooza activated


Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the report.

After an investigation with the development team, Gnome-a-Palooza’s should not be running in Citadel Wars.

I’ve created a report about this bug and that it is also freezing the game in the meantime.

As for right now, I would highly recommend not starting or running any GAP’s while you are playing any Citadel battles.

Thank you for your understanding and patience :slight_smile:


Interesting. Can you please make the fix for this that you add some kind of message that stops players from entering citadel menu or starting citadel battles, if this is going to be the case? Rather than letting players start battles and then finding that they aren’t facing gnomes and that they have lost part of their gnome-a-palooza.

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Citadel is a part of PVP, and the palooza is for PVP, Arena, exploration, trials and daily tasks. The guardian fight isn’t properly a PVP fight I understand it isn’t working.
But centuries ago, when guild war existed, it was a part of PVP (up the PVP rank, etc) but I never saw that. As the same in faction, the palooza isn’t available but we can play with a palooza activated without bug.

Actually it is possible to use the palooza in Citadel, defeat the players and waiting the palooza is finished to fight the guardian.
It isn’t a bug tu use a palooza in PVP section


As per my knowledge
It seems there’s an issue with freezing during guardian fights when using a palooza on Xbox in Citadel. This could be due to a bug introduced in the latest update. It’s recommended to report the problem to the game’s developers for a potential fix.
I hope this will help you,
Thank you

everything posted by this user feels like bot/ai behavior. maybe someone can prove me wrong

Watch the fix being disabling paloozas for PVP…

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Recently I tried to go to the citadel with an active karlozhestkach. During normal battles everything was fine, but when I got to the guard and went into battle. Then the game froze, and after the transition the game read it as a lost battle. I hope this will be fixed. Thanks for your attention.

Hello :slight_smile:

Please clarify what “karlozhestkach” is?

This is a Gnoma-a-Palooza.

Had same experience on Saturday.
Not something one wants to repeat just to make a video to submit a bug report…
(loose a critical battle, waist precious time in GaP)
anyhow: Start GaP, play citadel battles: will freeze when trying to load the team for the guard battle.

It’s already been reported several months ago, like in this bug report: [Reported] Citadel + Palooza

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+/- 4 months after