[Reported] Can obtain additional dragons and weapons

When using Diamonds to exchange weapons and Dragon Eggs to exchange dragons. Log in to the game on two devices at the same time.Open Soulforge select different weapons or Dragon Eggs, and click on the Craft button at the same time. Can only consume one material to obtain two different items.

When I found out that some players were using this bug, I reported it to you via email, but you did not take it seriously and have not solved this problem.So I can only choose to make it public and strive for a fair gaming environment for every player.


100% the next thing they fix now. Ironclad guarantee. They’re likely already scrambling.

Curious. Does this also work with gold marks? Might have to test, for science of course. I mean if it’s been reported before and not addressed it must be #WorkingAsIntended right?

It should also be possible. I haven’t used this bug before, I just saw someone using it all the time

The game has in many places missing transactional checks. I used another account to send these to them - because I don’t want to get banned, was ignored too.
Let’s put it like this it is not worth getting banned over this and
soulforge is not the only problem.

this will show where their priorities lie. if this is fixed quick but buts that affect gameplay remain then obviously they only care about their bank

So if this is just a concurrency/transaction problem on the serverside, couldn’t they just fix it quietly and without holding it back for a game client update?

You’d-a-thunk, yeah.

But, to my mind, it should just force log out, after accepting confirmation to proceed, before accepting login from another device.

But that confirmation would need a client update.

Nice. Both rings for crafting Stella for the price of one. Thanks

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Great! Thank you!!!

It’s worrying that a CX team member didn’t comment on this major exploit.

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It’s even more worrying that they didn’t set this thread invisible. It’s almost like they are okay with players exploiting this. Which is weird, because this will definitely affect their income once it catches on more prominently. Dragon crafting only seems to be the tip of the iceberg.


May be leaving it as bait? I wouldn’t be surprised these days.