Replace the Potion of Explosion with the Potion of Reflection

It probably is but removing explosions still doesn’t fix the bug it just gets rid of it and it is the lazy thing to do. I haven’t even noticed this bug so I don’t know when it started buta while ago there was an extra turn bug with potions allowing you to get an extra turn for 4 matches made from the explosions meaning you could take your first move and then still have an extra turn after that move. When that was fix it may have messed up other effects you gain from matching gems.

We also don’t know if this even is a bug. We know getting a free extra turn from the explosions was a bug so maybe we aren’t supposed to be able to get barriers from brown matches and other gem matching effects during the explosions either.

If this is a bug and the devs don’t say anything and it remains for the next 2 months it doesn’t mean they aren’t working on it they could have fixed it but needed 4.7 to release the fix and instead of spending a few minutes commenting on it they are fixing something else with that time.

They did say a while ago they won’t be replying to bug reports but they still read them and they were telling the truth with that as there are a few old bug reports that the devs never commented on that have had their titles changed to say it is fixed in 4.6. I would much rather the devs spend the time fixing bugs instead of commenting on them anyway.