Remove special gems from PvP!

PvP should be somewhat skill based NOT completly luck based. It’s so frustrating to get in a loop that takes alot of time, which is annoying with a timer going on, or just getting combo’d be the likes of even a simple Queen Beetrix cause the opponent gets 4 gem matches over and over.
Main culprits are the dragon gems and mana potions for this bs but also the giant skull gems are stupid af.

This NEEDS to be adressed to have a better PvP then the crap it is now cause of these special gems in it now.
Mentioned this already but am going to be harsher against untill it’s removed as it’s the main reason why i believe PvP is so f-ing :poop: atm.


Totalmente estoy mu deacuerdo contigo, seria genial.

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The special games never appear in the first round, when you start the battle. They start appearing when the opponent gets the move which makes it more annoying. If you don’t kill the opponent in the first round, it’s very easy for the oppenent to loop with the help of potions or dragon gems.
Maybe not removing it completely but reducing the amount.


Additional to that those two also arbitrarily make each fight so much longer because after each turn you have to watch up to half a minute of endless extra matches.

Just yesterday for example I killed the last enemy and after that I had to watch 20 seconds of useless extraturns until finally the winning prompt appeared.

That was my first thought too but to make it work you have to reduce them by a decent amount, like to a maximum of two simultaneously on the board for example. But then there will all those blind hardcore sunday voters ranting how useless their loved whacky gems are.

Therefore there probably will be no changes like always.

With the likes of Takshaka and other teams that make gems at start of turn doesn’t really matter. Same for troops that explode when matching gems or just explode gems in general are really broken with mana potions.

It’s a bad game design, to much luck involved and even when working in your favor it takes such a long time when it’s combo after combo with no control over it wasting alot of time on timers.

@Gems-of-War but guess nothing is going to be done about it as this was already mentioned before the start of new season. No response, no positive changes, just another crappy PvP season.

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I agree op…

Please Please Please remove mana potion gems from PVP. They keep getting chosen every week and it slows the game down way too much, not to mention the number of times the AI loops for the win compared to when other gems are present.

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If it were me, I’d remove the “voting” process from PvP altogether and go back to some sort of quasi-rotation. Because, to me, it gets old really quick to see the same handful of restrictions and the same handful of special gems every single week. (Seriously, we’ve had the same three colors in the inner ring for something like ninety-twelve consecutive weeks now.)

But I’m not expecting it to happen. That the same small number of things keep getting chosen even when we’re presented with alternatives to vote for probably has the Powers That Be convinced that “this is what we want”. Though I wonder how well those choices might do if we were presented with a “None of the Above” option the way some political ballots permit.


I’m of the belief that this should ALWAYS be an option (where possible), and this is a great example of where it would be great to have. If 99% of players vote none of the above, the devs would get the message that we don’t want these gems.

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Yeah, the voting has not really worked at all to promote variety in the regions; the crowd definitely have favorites that they will always pick if they are offered.

The random rotation that we had before citadels wasn’t great either – it often didn’t rotate at all, or rotated the same few restrictions in over and over again.

I don’t think that a “none” option would make any difference; I think most players do deliberately vote for potion gems because they’re fun – so explodey! so loopy! – and it’s only the small minority of hardcore players that find the forced slowdown of waiting through all the explosions and loops annoying.

A counter-proposal: exclude the previous week’s restriction from appearing as an option for the next week’s voting. That would break the color lock-in in the inner ring, and would prevent regions being all-mana-potions-all-the-time problem in the outer ring.

(Possibly exclude the previous 3 weeks’ restrictions? That would avoid an endless cycle of mana potion / lightning / dragon gems. Fans of those would still get them in some regions some of the time but the rest of us would get a chance at our faves occasionally – hi booty gems, never seen ya.)


Hello :slight_smile:

This is an interesting counter-proposal.

I’ll pass on your feedback to the rest of the development team for further consideration in the future! :slight_smile:


Thanks bramble!

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