?Reduced Legendary Task Rewards?

Doing some research here on the forums, looking through old posts, and I’m scratching my head. A little help?

Some time after the introduction of Legendary Tasks, many people claimed that the first 3 legendary tasks earned in a week had a reduced value. I swear I saw someone share an old post, recently, that backed this claim. I cannot find it now. What I am finding is a lot of reference to reduction of the first two rewards in a legendary task, and an increase to the third that occurred in a patch, but that pertained to all LTs earned. Did I just dream that, or is there a post that says that the first 3 legendary tasks in a week have a reduced value?

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One bump hoping for an answer

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I don’t think someone outside of the dev team (and publisher - maybe) has relevant information about this - so any answer here would be pure speculation.
Looking at the current mindset the devs show us I wouldn’t wonder. But I’m far from saying they nerfed this part of the game too.
Maybe look at the last patchnotes. If you find the word “fix” or “healthyness” then the answer is most probably “yes”.

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This would’ve been done in an older update, late 2.# early 3.#. I’m pretty sure the link that i thought i saw was shared in one of the many threads just before 4.7. Thanks for not leaving me hanging though :slight_smile:


That’s what i kept running into, and i think that was what a lot of people mistook for “the first few legendary tasks have a reduced value.” Thank you

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I’m pretty shure this is server side - so no update required. They can do it every minute.

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Since ETs went live our guild have hit around 10 LTs per week. We’ve certainly received our fair share of legendary troops amongst the rewards but no mythics. Still getting loads of arcanes that we don’t need because we are getting them from ETs already. LTs shouldn’t include arcanes because those guilds that still hit LTs don’t need them. LT rewards should reflect the additional effort to attain them, not maintain the same lacklustre recipe prior to ET release. Give us some effort recognition please.