Really wish traitstones were atleast SOMEWHAT easier to obtain

The Series is a monthly Event, I created it from scratch and I allow the competitors to help mold it and improve it with their input. The 2nd Series has a lot of changes compared to the 1st, and the 3rd will have more changes as well :wink:

@Cell has started a story project that is also supported by the developers.

@Lyya has made a superb Troop List that accurately details everything you need to know about all the Troops and she updates it weekly.

I sincerely hope more people will create community-started contests/events/projects

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We haven’t announced when the next patch will be up. The new treasure hunt does give an additional way to earn traitstones - but it’s by no means a cure to the general difficulty of collecting arcane stones - that’s still VERY hard to do outside of weekly troop bundles.

Oh I know, I wasn’t criticizing your series at all, I think it’s brilliant. I was just saying that if more contests were created, that they’d have to, at the least be monthly. I have been following the gobby thread as well that’s what made me think of the writing contest. Lyya’s page is great as well, one of the few bookmarks on my phone.

The prize for the writing contest should be having your story incorporated into the game and you get either glory, trait stones, gold, or gems.

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are maps really much better after the update? they are so awful now and apart from reduced turns and traits don’t seem much better on pc/mobile…

Maps are easy to get and the learning curve is not easy but you can get any trait stone including celestial stones, they have an increased reward and it takes no more than an hour to go through 15 and net 10k in gold 500 or so souls and maybe 20 or so gems but that might just be me, also a good source of high level keys if you get really good.

we get random traits from invades on console so i probably still won’t try to hard to use maps… i usually only do them when i get a task to do 4… then I avoid match 4/5s and cascades as much as possible to try to just end it fast…

Aww that is a waste cause with higher rewards and less turns and every 15 turns giving a stone every time i would save them up if i were you and then give them a shot when the update drops. I litterally have spent 66k this week for my guild just from maps and nothing more.

66k? I think I’ll pass… besides they are easy to get if I ever want to but I don’t see it happening unless they further buff them… they still feel like a waste of time on pc… if I ran out of glory I could see doin it… but not really otherwise since glory is the only reward in worthwhile quantities…

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For traitstones the sensible conclusion is save glory and wait for event troop that offers the stones you need. You may not get them instantly (which I know is tough for the new I want it now generation) but you won’t burn yourself out with hours of repetative challenges. Also as someone suggestion set your hometown to the one that offers the trait you wish and sometimes you will get a fun surprise drop just from defending. My best for this was when I required 1 traitstone to complete and i setup hometown and 4 defends later bingo traitstone got :smiley:


I’ve been averaging about 1 Arcane from Defends a week, not much but every single one counts when they are so rare!

I’ve seen none from defends no matter what.

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Amen Sister :smiley:

Oh man did i create a religion by making this topic ;l

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Rare is an understatement… I play every day on console and iOS, and I got my very first console arcane drop (Arcane Venom) from an Invasion six days ago.

On my tablet, I received one Arcane Forest on April 6th and one Arcane Mountain on May 4th. I’m averaging one a month then!

got a deep today so i could finish worm, not that i use it but ok