Re-Working Classes - Community Concepts

Suggested: All Dragon Allies start with 50% Mana.

Let’s be honest, Essencia is an absolute dud. By allowing Dragonguard to have a 50% start, we can have a proper 50% start on a dragon troop that actually does something and isn’t forcing a yellow storm. It would also finally give us a 50% mana start hero class with Dispel, which could be useful one day.

But 50% stellarix!! one might say… it would be another option that would pivot players away from Elementalist, considering the only status effect option on this hero would be Impact (from taking a skull hit).

1 life & 1 magic while not 0, still isn’t much in the grand scheme of things. There’s a lot of other troops that already do it better, that is already a dragon.

Fine as is. 50% chance to trigger or do only 1 effect on 4/5 match is just going to make the class useless from inconsistency.

Agreed. Better to give more alternatives to freezing than Elementalist

Fine as is

Well, I’ve been wanting a Leafstorm at the start of every turn for basically forever, but I think I’d rather see it on Warden.

Bright Forest leans into half green/half red mechanics, but having the hero only do a Leafstorm locks out the red side of things. There’s an argument to be made to make it do a green+red mix storm at the start of every turn, but I’m actually not a fan of those mixed storms, so it won’t be from me.

Granting a random positive effect to a random ally is just too inconsistent and 25% as it is currently is a joke.

Suggested: Change Trait 3: Ancient Mysteries —> a new positive status effect (that gives 25% damage reduction (spells +skulls) until an ally acts, like submerge) a random Ally on 4 or 5 gem matches.

Knights are very unfortunate. They had one thing going with Sir Ailuin and that was nerfed to the ground. Knight troops are a bit gimmicky, but also very slow. So…

Suggested: Change Trait 3: Full Plate —> Barrier and Enchant a random Ally when an Ally casts a spell.

This should let a full slower team keep momentum and hold their ground, like a Knight normally would. Not the most beneficial with a fast team, but… that’s fine right?

Change Trait 1: Knight Bond —> Spell Armor
Change Trait 2: Avenger —> Armored

Suggested: Revert old change ----> Wind tree back into Fire tree

Fire tree isn’t the greatest fit here, but Wind tree is the worst hero tree class by a good margin. I’m sure they don’t want to rebalance an entire tree, so do the next best thing and restore its previous benefits. Nothing from the Wind tree helps Mechanists or mechs in any real way.


I didnt read all your suggestions but class rebalancing would be time well spent for the devs.

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