Raid Boss - Grosh-Nak (Temporary Post)


Returning Raid Boss Troop: Bor’Gakk

Bor’Gakk has returned to lead Grosh-Nak during this weekend’s Raid Boss. You can get him from the Event shop during this event.

New Weapon: King-Chopper

This weekend it will be available in both the Event shop, and in the Soulforge.

Please note that some of the Social Collectibles that players can earn from this event were released with another event in the past. This means that some players may already own them.


Request for data:

I’m currently looking for 2 or 3 people to volunteer to gather some data for me for Guild Events which I will be putting into a Guild Events Buy In Guide.

Zero Buy In
I’m after about 3 people (the more, the better the data will be) who don’t buy any shop tiers at all in this raid event. I’m interested in what your score is & what boss level you could get up to with Friday, Saturday and Sundays free sigils plus whatever extra sigils you get from ravens.

I will need:

  • your final amount of boss damage dealt
  • what boss level that you managed to get to
  • if you missed any valravens
  • if you died
  • if you already owned the God Slayer troop

(I’m happy to take any past raids scores if you have done zero buy ins before)

Average Buy In
The second lot of data I’m after is how many battles it took you to reach 6334 boss damage

I will need:

  • you to keep a tally of how many battles it took you to reach 6334 boss damage
  • what Tier you purchased
  • what boss level you managed to get to
  • if you missed any valravens
  • if you died

I will gladly take any mathematical predictions or data from past Raids for 6334 Boss damage.

I’m after the real examples purely to back up the guide I make.