R.I.P. Maw meta. The new meta is Manticore/Khorvash?

By the way, facing a Maw / IK / Mercy / Sheggra team right now. I got a couple of Anariel casts off in the early back and forth and then used Ysabelle on Khorvash, killing Maw.

The enemy gets a lucky drop for an extra turn and casts Sheggra. Ouch. Then Infernal King. Double ouch. Overall, he got like 5 extra turns, all with skulls and I took well over 100 damage (before factoring in Khorvash’ stone skin of course).

My next turn starts with Khorvash at 0 Armor but 55 life, and mana full. :wink:

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S&M stands for sun and moon.

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I am after all playing sun and moon weapon.

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Really? I didn’t read that in your original post.

I thought you meant Pokemon Sun & Moon.

No, i love the sun and moon weapon.

Thank for suggesting this team. I just tried it out & it works as promised. Makes a nice change.

Went up against a Manticore/Manticore/Bone Dragon team & the Manticore killed my Korvash early on. Then the Valk, too. Next team had a Death on it & the death mark killed Korvash and Valk on its first cast.

I still won both matches.

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Manticore x2 + Deep Borer + Bone Dragon = a gigantic pain. Not just because the team is intimidating, which it is, but because its popping up as much as we used to see Goblins. I skip them if I’m paying attention (unless the #2 team is almost as bad). Not worth it after the first hundred times.


I won’t lie, I tried the Manti/Manti/DB/BD team on defense last week on console when I saw someone mention it, and it was fine at first. After a few days it dropped below 20% win ratio real fast. It’s just so easy to fake out both manties then dominate the team :stuck_out_tongue:


What’s your safe word for the weapon?


I’m agreeing with @Mekkalyn and @Shimrra here. Manticore is still a problem as it’s so cheap. I also think Bone Dragon’s spell should cost a bit more - it’s about the best attack in the late game, and only costs 14 mana.


Targetable damage works pretty well against Bone Dragon.

Yes, but you’ve got to pull off how many casts before the AI gets to cast BD or Borer? and you’re gonna get mana drained twice?

Sure it can be done. But it can go very wrong very easily with not much you can do about it.


Use stealthy troops. Rakshanin has fast for a turn one fill, and uses browns against them. I also like Sylvasi since he is the only stealthy generator, and keeps Manticore’s attack at bay with steal.


I’ve also seen a Spirit fox and Mist Stalker combo popping up a lot recently.

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My Whitehelm team works okay against BD because if I get Mercy off first turn, I can charge and buff Paladin before the enemy gets a turn. Even without match-4 heroics, I can get Paladin to one-shot BD before he casts about 90% of the time

The other thing about the way this team buffs is that it helps against slow-drain Horsemen teams. Even if they suck your magic down to nothing, Ysabelle is buffing attack so you’re not dead in the water.


People on Console can’t figure out;


I put it up expecting to lose 80% of the time, it’s 8-4

I have had more success with

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Yeah on PC/mobile that’s a dead team real fast. 2xDeath vs. Humility…ouch.

I have 5 Deaths, 3 Wars and 1 of each of Plague and Famine. Trust me, I wanted to try out this defense