Quimby - Currently in BRACKET 1 looking for a good player to join our friendly and very active guild

Nas joined another guild, so I’m looking for another player. Anyone wanting to join a steadily climbing, generous and friendly guild without any set rules regarding donations then please contact me!
(good luck in freedom fighters nas, maybe I should start another 4 threads myself… :grin::grin::grin::grin:)

This guild is amazing, everyone wanting a friendly experience should join in :slight_smile: And we’re climbing really quick in the ranking. I don’t know how’s that possible without precise rules for contributing :smiley: I guess it’s all thanks to our glorious leader :smiley:

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Thanks Mike, you’re too kind! :smiley:

Hi. Go on Facebook. Search ‘gems of war guild members page - Quimby’

I’m going to be discussing builds and tactics there so I don’t take over the recruitment threads here.
One place available, guild ranked 58, level 105.
No strict requirements.
Active players.
Gems and keys tasks preferred.

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Ranked 55 now. Anyone interested please send friends requests to dan_ozzzy189 and mention invite code.

Hey there, i’m level 500 and i really need a better guild. Me and the guildleader are pretty much the only 2 who are donating and we’re surrounded by lowlevelplayers.

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Can you please send me a friend request? I’ll invite you to our guild this evening. Thank you for your interest, we’re always looking for a nice folks who play regularly. Cheers,

Any spots still available? Wife and I play some every day. I created a guild day 1 and it’s pretty much been the 2 of us the whole time.

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Yes, private messages exchanged. See you later this evening! Regards

Two places available, we’re now just outside the top 50! We’ve got a good friendly vibe and some great new members. Thanks to the forum and thanks to all who have expressed an interest in the guild.

Looks like dan is pretty a cool guy, we need more like you here :slight_smile:

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Why, thank you very much kind sir! Or madam, I couldn’t really find out!
Thanks again, and to the guys who’ve also given me help and advice too, you know who you are!

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Sir please :smiley: If you need any help contact me

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Cheers, I appreciate that.

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Thanks again Dan!

Quimby is quite a great guild with active and friendly people. happy to be here. Have got more keys / gems in the last 2 days than I have in the last 3 weeks. It’ll be great when the guild update hits consoles.

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I just sent you a message i hope to hear from you soon.

Since current guild there is only 3 people active.

Hi, let me know your invite code, I’ve just responded to the message on psn. I’m actually at work this evening til tomorrow morning but will try and get you in via one of the other sentinels.

Just seen it on your profile. I’ll try to get you in now via other members.

Full up now. Welcome shadowsteps, we hope you find our guild to your liking!

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What are the requirements?