PvP rewards screen - not an improvement

iOS iPad

In the recent update the PvP reward screen was revamped and “improved”.
Now, when I press the “continue” button, rather than waiting for each reward to pop up individually (who the heck has the time for that) the VP score is hidden at the end of the row and I have to scroll forward to see it before pressing continue again.

If it can’t be fixed please could a different reward, such as souls, appear last so that the VP score is not hidden.

This sounds like a small thing but it is super irritating.

(Not in bugs because this was intended)


You might want to move this to the “feedback” category, rather than “chat”. Totally agree that it’s annoying and needs fixing, though devs have said they’re working on moving more stuff to the top row (major rewards) including VP, supposedly. So, hopefully this won’t be an issue after the next update. Still worth pointing out, though.

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Thanks - done !
Been playing/posting for 10 years and didn’t notice there is a “feedback” category here :rofl::rofl:


i doubt it makes a difference really. it will go just as ignored as all other advice here


I’ve been playing for 2 years and I didn’t know anything about it


First off I want to point out that this wrap-up screen re-design was an improvement in many ways, especially for certain modes like Tower of Doom. Credit where credit is due…

I think for PvP they should have made the VP awarded a top row item like the other ‘point of why you’re playing the mode’ items are. Things like the room scrolls in ToD or Delve Chest upgrades are always shown like that, which is great. If they did the same with VP we would always see it and the order of awards wouldn’t matter so much.

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