So funny. PVP was impossible for me except on T1 when I started almost 3 years ago. But I wasn’t in a good guild and I didn’t have a discord account back then, so not too surprising! It was the first time I’d ever tried a game like this - I was not a gamer. At all. So nothing was familiar or reminiscent of some other game for me. So I would google stuff and find limited useful info that was largely out of date. I didn’t watch any streamers because back then I thought it was kinda like cheating and I should be able to figure it out on my own. Ha! So when I talk about new players, this is the perspective I am coming from.
I hear you about explore but in general I found the game to be completely overwhelming - too many advanced content choices. I kept reading that I should do explore 12 and I kept losing every time I tried. Doing lower level explores made me feel like a loser, too - like there was something that I just wasn’t getting because why couldn’t I win in E12? How was I to know otherwise? I almost quit quite a few times - sheer stubborness kept me going.
I didn’t understand why pet rescues were important and a single pet rescue would take me 30-60 minutes. When I finally unlocked the Underworld I was completely baffled. That was what led me to change guilds and start watching the streamers. The game wasn’t fun exactly, but it was challenging and that kept me going.
So you can see why I am in favor of streamlining some stuff and limiting choices in the beginning