Pvp please fix

elo rating system football .

The World Football Elo Ratings are based on the Elo rating system, developed by Dr. Arpad Elo. This system is used by FIDE, the international chess federation, to rate chess players.

Eloratings.net applies the Elo rating system to international football, by adding a weighting for the kind of match, an adjustment for the home team advantage, and an adjustment for goal difference in the match result.

The ratings take into account all international “A” matches for which results could be found. International football data is primarily obtained from rsssf.com (pre-2019, which was when some of their contributors started copying unsourced data from wikipedia), theroonba.com, and soccer-db.info (discontinued).

Ratings tend to converge on a team’s true strength relative to its competitors after about 30 matches. Ratings for teams with fewer than 30 matches should be considered provisional.

The ratings are based on the following formulas:

Rn = Ro + K × (W - We)
Rn is the new rating, Ro is the old (pre-match) rating.

K is the weight constant for the tournament played:

60 for World Cup finals;
50 for continental championship finals and major intercontinental tournaments;
40 for World Cup and continental qualifiers and major tournaments;
30 for all other tournaments;
20 for friendly matches.
K is then adjusted for the goal difference in the game. It is increased by half if a game is won by two goals, by 3/4 if a game is won by three goals, and by 3/4 + (N-3)/8 if the game is won by four or more goals, where N is the goal difference.

W is the result of the game (1 for a win, 0.5 for a draw, and 0 for a loss).

We is the expected result (win expectancy), either from the chart or the following formula:

We = 1 / (10(-dr/400) + 1)
dr equals the difference in ratings plus 100 points for a team playing at home.

more World Football Elo Ratings

Elo ratings calculator

andora = “player level” 1102 vs argentina = “player level” 2117
win andora = 60 points
win argentina = 0 points

australia = “player level” 1783 vs argentina = “player level” 2117
win australia = 52 points
win argentina = 8 points

france = “player level” 2110 vs argentina = “player level” 2117
win france = 31 points
win argentina = 29 points

  • more goals=more points

more Elo ratings calculator

Elo is a much farer rating system, than FIFA rankings.

Must be nice to see those kind of points i get my wall of 25 every fight lucky me yay

200 real world days is 4800 hours of gameplay time. Are you saying he is actually at 20000 gameplay hours? If so I think he needs to touch grass.

you really believe a level 1 player has the same chance to win an e12 fight as a level 2600? Is your memory so bad that you don’t remember what it was like as a new player? Make a new steam account and start over and see how hard it is to beat a Stellarix team when you have crap troops.

Edit: Why do you keep talking about pay. We aren’t talking about gold. We are talking about movement in rankings due to pvp wins. If a highschool team beats a professional team it will move the needle more for that highschool team than if a professional team beats a highschool team it will for that professional team.

When less experienced people do better than more experienced people it makes you view them in a higher regard than when the more expeienced person does exactly what they should do and is better than an inexperienced person. A professional chef with 7 years of experience should be a better chef than a new hire with 3 weeks experience.

If the new hire is better than the chef with 7 years experience you’ll put them “on the fast track” in the company. You might even fire the 7 year experienced person and give the other their job. You are saying it is just as difficult to climb Everest for someone who has been training for it for years and someone who has never trained. That is utter and total BS.

Do you really think inexperienced players are as good as you are?

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Point me to where I said that.

You can’t because I didn’t.

I said “to win the same rewards”, not “to win the fights”. Gigantic difference.

Should both players win an E12 run, the rewards get drawn from the same loot table for both, hence “both have the same chance to win the same rewards”. The noob doesn’t get triple the rewards because it was harder for them.

Look, I’ve done more than enough to try to explain to you what you’re getting wrong. At this point, you seem to be willfully misconstruing arguments and ignoring parts you don’t like.

Let’s move on.

You just said it is the exact same chances to win the exact same reward. I’m saying it is easier for a more experienced person to win than a less experienced one. I

What’s with you and your sports comparisons?

A high school team wouldn’t even get to play a professional team. So maybe we should have leagues based on team strengths, then?

I’m talking about pay because this is about VP (pay) and not ladder position (ranking).

Sure thing. That’s why you pay them more if they are, right?

Sure. But if the new person does the same job as the experienced one but slower, would you pay them more than your chef of 7 years?

Would you pay them more even if they did the same job as experienced chef at the same pace? I doubt it.

No, I haven’t been saying that as I have explained before. You just didn’t read my post correctly.

Maybe you are just missing my points. Or ignoring them completely. My point is pvp is harder for newer players than for OP because they have access to different troops to use. His 1700 wins probably happened in a shorter time than the level 1200’s 1100 wins. He thinks they should have to grind longer than him to even compete with him and he should be rewarded for his time spent in game. He said he should get more points than them because of how long he has spent. He wants everyone to treat him as god emperor of Gems of War when he is a nothing burger. PVP has always been like this. Lower level players have always gained points easier than higher level players. Only now that there are rewards that people want do they complain about it.

These players weren’t giving input into how pvp should change until it effected them. Now they are complaining that the devs weren’t psychic to know their concerns about the system that has always been in place when they didn’t say them. And now they are demanding that things are the way they want them and that they are changed right now or they will take their ball and go home.

I called out the OP for his ego. That is it.

Man, work on your reading comprehension. I explained what I said several times now.

Okay, I’ll try again for your benefit.

Person A wins one run.
Person B wins one run.

There is a loot table.

Looks like this.

RNG rolls rewards for person A and person B using those metrics.

Both have the same RNG chance to win tokens from this table after winning a run.

Now tell me, which person, A or B, is the experienced player?

I am not saying both people have the same chance to win a run.

To bring it back to PVP - beating a level 10k team should offer VP based on difficulty level based on your own team level. Not on player level.

10k is 10k, no matter if the player is a level 1500 or a level 2000 player.

However, if your team is 5k, it’s significantly harder to beat 10k than it is with a 20k team. No one is denying that.
(Except for the fact that most teams suck right now but that’s a different matter altogether.)

What everyone is saying is: base VP based on fight difficulty, not on player level.

Or alternatively, scale all three fights to the player’s team level and give the same base rewards across the bank, like 30, 50, 70 for example, and if your team is 5k, 30 would be slightly easier, 50 same, 70 slightly higher (as a possible example).

If you still don’t understand I don’t know what to tell you. Re-read my post and everyone else’s post who has talked about the issue in detail.

No, we all want fairness. You want noobs to be coddled and veterans to be kicked to the curb.

It’s a little ironic that you say I’m missing the point when you’re not understanding the issue.

A level 1200 player deviant need 3x as long to finish a fight so they shouldn’t get 3x as many points (or more) for one.

Also player level doesn’t dictate the difficulty of a fight.

The system before wasn’t as skewed as this one is.

It was closer to what I described regarding scaling.

We couldn’t give input when the system as it is now didn’t exist, and devs never ask before they slap us with changes.

They didn’t ask about pathfinders, either, which were more helpful to newer players than they were detrimental.

The current system will als make people try to stay in their league or even drop down for better chances to get one of the top 3 spots. That also makes no sense. You should want to stay in the to leagues because the prizes are good but if only the top 3 can even win anything, why not drop down? Better to actually win 75 gold marks than to stare at 90 that you can never earn.

This current PVP system needs fixing to make it fair for all, not to benefit one group of players over the other.

We’ll always have those who live in pvp and do nothing else. That should determine whether you’re on top or not, your dedication. Not all the humbug that got implemented without thinking abut fairness and consequences.

(My guess is, they think they can milk newer players for more money than veterans so they’re giving them handouts left and right to make them stay and pay.)

It is the same system it has always been. They just removed the min/max from the 3rd system (as I said in my first reply). The only new things added in this update were zones, divisions (or leagues as you call them), and prizes.

It is the same system as it was before there were pets, before there was GW, before there were heroes, before explore gave trophies, before the soulforge or the underworld or underspire existed. Before the vault, before GaPs, Before World Events, before bounty or invasion or raid boss or even mythics. Lower level players have always gained points at a higher rate than higher level players. Always. Since the only modes that existed were maps, arena ,pvp and explore and only pvp and arena gave trophies. Lower level players always earned points at a higher rate than higher level players. That is the system GoW was built on.

You are arguing that you think GoW isn’t fair and you are right. But I love it anyhow, because life isn’t fair. Grow up Buttercup.

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That’s cute. Since when does a match 3 game simulate real life?

Games should be fun for everyone, and as fair as possible.

Is it still fun? Sure.

Is not fair? No.

Do we always have to go the “life is supposed to be hard/life isn’t fair” route? The devs could make this fair, unlike real life.

But at least we can agree that gems isn’t fair. It’s by design, and that design doesn’t have to be like that. Hope we can at least agree on that as well.

I am currently trying to stay ahead or close to a level1400. This is not right theres no way they should be able to pass me like i am not even there i spend hours getting 15 k ahead turn it off for 2 hours and when i come back i am behind again. I am one of the highest levels on this platform and i cant even get points as fast as he is getting then… my profile grew with game and now i get nothing but 25 when all others get so much more forr the same fight. If anyone wants to see how frustrting it is trying to stay on top i will gladly let you try lol. Cause maybe then some results would happen instead of absoulty nothing. I sound like a broke record but jeez i want a fair platform to play on not one where i feel like a noob that cant keep up to a level 1400 and that folks says it all in a nit shell


And when i said about my days played i had no idea the acutal number i just threw one in there that sounded good lol

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See I feel sorry for you, and the other high players.
I’m only 1500s.
They really should, show some appreciation to the people who have made there game grow from the beginning.
While at the same time, giving them wages each month, thru this job.
But they act like most companies,always trying to get new buyers, so they offer new buyers more than the people they already have.
I find it quite disgusting tbh.
It should be, keep people happy to stay, and show them there appreciated and not just a number.

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That bout what i am feeling like lol the beta tester of the year that gets nothing for it lol not even the enjoyment of grinding up the board nomore cause level means nothing anymore if a level 1400 can beat a level 2600 with out even trying cause they get 2 to 3 times the points per fight . I just got sto delete this game or figure out something cause at this point the stress outweighs anything

So firstly, you deleteing a game, that you’ve put over a year into, you’ll hate even more.
Hopefully they’ll fix it, and make it fair.
You’ve gotta remember this is season zero still, this is the testing phase, we’re they gather info.
Everyones wanting a fix yesterday, this isn’t gonna happen.
Give them time, maybe calm down, try for top 3 every 2 weeks instead of every week.
Your not going to die, if you don’t get gold marks every week, unless you’ve a gems of war condition, that we don’t know about.

This will all get fixed, key word eventually. Not yesterday.
Diamond league with different players is every week.
Last week, my guildie got top with 27k points, in my league I had 36k points and got 9th :rofl::rofl:.
See I’m laughing cos it’s a game, it’s not Palestine.
Take a breath, chill. And it’ll be fixed.

So much…stuff. And it’s quite obvious that some have been living under the bridge for so long that they don’t know squat.

My casual account with sub-optimal development - global stats from kingdom levels 10 and power levels 5, nothing more of note - and using slightly sub-optimal team for Central Spire…but those enemies fall rather easily if you know what you’re doing.
Level 2100 with Stellatrix? - down. Zuul teams? - down. Diamantina? - down. Whatever else? - down.
Of course, fights take a bit longer than with, for example, my level 2200 main account (all available global stats, except for 30-star and level 20 kingdoms) and survivability is lower which leads to slightly higher number of losses, but there is certainly no climbing up the walls and facing against whatever superstars one might namedrop in weak analogies.

By the time one reaches (assuming no slacking in getting the stuff done) level 1600-700 there is no meaningful global stat difference compared to level 3000 or whatever account so those VP handouts are unnecessary and not justifiable.