PvP pet is bugged (additive, applied incorrectly)

Platform, device version and operating system: iOS 17

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I bought the Com-Bat pet, which is supposed to provide x2 bonus to Elementals in Geheron only. The base bonus from Magmapillar (and Moist Owlette, both of which I have at Mythic) is +6 magic. However, instead of the expected +12 magic, it is only +8. This is not merely a visual bug - the bonus is only +8. What appears to be happening is that the pet bonuses are additive (+2) instead of multiplicative (x2). Consistent with how Starry pets work, these bonuses should be multiplicative.

Secondly, the (incorrect) bonus gets applied not only in Geheron, but everywhere that I use 4 Elemental troops. I’m sure I will get excoriated by the community for pointing out a player-favorable bug, but this clearly was not intended and would be addressed sooner or later anyway.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Started when I bought the pet. I also leveled it to 5 to see if I would get +3, acting like some of the additive pets, but it shows x2.25 and acts like +2.25. Happens in every battle and screen where the bonuses show.

Steps to make it happen again
Buy Com-Bat, and possibly other new PvP pets?

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Application of the bonus is all over the place, apparently…