PvP one small favour to ask

Please can we either collectively stop voting for mana potions, OR can they be removed from the voting options. Its not that they make the game unbalanced or unfair its just they drag battles on for far to long.


The more you ask to stop voting for mana potions the more they vote mana potions.
I agree with you


I agree 100% that mana potion gems should just be removed from the voting selection. Solves the problem because the majority of the player base doesn’t realize that they are just annoying and waste time.

Good pvp restrictions constantly get ruined by this when you’re looking at waterfalls of rainbows for a couple minutes every match…


i dont know how it would be implemented, im no coder. But they could keep them in for the lower levels (or at least just out of diamond). seeing that having such an abundance mana is more of a beginner aid than someone who is at the end game just waiting for content.

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While I’d prefer not to see mana potions in the game, I don’t see how they can remove them, really. The announcement would have to be something like “since the vast majority of players voted for this thing, every single week, in every single kingdom it was offered, but a small number of people complained, we chose to remove it”.
You can surely see how that would look bad, and that the devs can’t possibly do that.

Also, assuming they did, what else might they remove? On playstation, everyone seems to vote for the same 3 colours in the middle ring, every single week. It’s been those 3 for months, nearly since the beginning. Would they ban those 3 for also being too popular, with a small amount of complaints?
How do they decide which things to listen to the majority of players about, rather than listening to a small number that think the majority is wrong.

And, as has been pointed out, mana potions are useful for early game players, so maybe they want to prioritise them, to keep them playing, rather than catering to end game players who can easily win with-or-without mana potions.

I think they should have made it less repetitive but it’s too late now, and they can’t easily change it (from a social perspective, they could definitely change it from a technical one).


its not necessarily about the matches being easy or hard to win. its not sitting around for 90+ seconds watching a chain of gems explode.

I’d like to see mana potion gems (and lightning gems) offered for voting less often and in fewer regions. Lots of people like them, so don’t remove them altogether; but we shouldn’t be seeing weeks where half of the PvP map is mana/lightning.

(Also, give poor overlooked Booty Gems a chance to get in! They explode and they give gold but they never get voted in.)

I feel the region voting has followed the same path that alliance choice did: the devs expected player choices to result in balance and variety, but in practice players all make the same self-interested choices and the system collapses into a monoculture.


Can we just get rid of PvP voting altogether and go back to some sort of “randomly generated” rotation?

I won’t speak for anybody else, but personally I am sick and tired of seeing the same handful of restrictions every week, or every other week. And never seeing certain restrictions at all.

The notion of voting is well-intentioned, but as any informed follower of a democracy (or republic) can tell you, the results never live up to those intentions.


I wish they’d treat Mana Potions like Doomskull storms.. lessen the frequency in-game. It’s rather insane at this moment.


I don’t mind them too much anymore. They do drag matches on but they also make it easy to win. I’d rather them get rid of Kingdom specific restrictions or make Hero class apply as well to Kingdom restrictions (PVP only). Having to deal with Elementalist with no way to cleanse reliably is more annoying than mana potions imo.

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The frequency with which we see Elementalist heroes regardless of PvP restriction should be an obvious “tell” that Elementalist is overpowered as compared to other classes. And that changes ought to be made to balance things out better.

Personally? I go out of my way to avoid Elementalist teams in any Kingdom/Class region that isn’t Nexus or Elementalist. At least when it’s possible, because it isn’t always so.

But the prevalence of certain Hero classes and certain troops being used over and over and over again should be a signal that things are out of balance and maybe need adjusting. Not that I really expect that to happen, because the developers are probably keen on continuing to release new stuff and it wouldn’t shock me if programmers were “measured” and “evaluated” based on new material and new code rather than cleaning up the old.


Or it could just mean players feel the need to use Elementalist because something in the gameplay dictates its usage.

… like how basically every pvp location is very dependent on looping and extra turns. It’s a lot easier to not run a freeze option in non-pvp locations.

It also doesn’t help a majority of hero classes are pure rubbish.