PvP - No longer fun

Is there an amount of gold that you could earn from beating a Lust or DE team that would make it worth it, for you?

As I mentioned above (I think), I don’t actually think it’s as bad as it’s been made out to be - although that could be a bias - and it seems that the new PvP matchmaking algorithm has actually worked, somewhat, in terms of diversity between the three choices presented, as per this thread:

I think wishing that PvP was nothing but Fire Bombs or other easy defences is unrealistic; instead, I think it would be worth asking, “What could we get that would make facing these meta teams worth our time/energy?”.

I also don’t think that setting the same defence as everyone else would reward you in the situation I proposed, which would be compounded by the matchmaking. To rack up defence rewards, people have to actually fight you, and we all know people are drawn to a more enticing defence :man_shrugging:.