PvP is luck fest BS

Will this be the year that PvP becomes skill based or are we going to get f-ed over by luck cause of special gems and the Elementalist class?

Whoever thought that special gems would be nice for PvP and the Elementalist class not being slapped on every team by people that lack any intellect for team building shouldn’t have been put on the team for PvP changes.

Just remove PvP or turn it into a seperate game from GoW itself. So that troops aren’t locked behind luck based :poop: gameplay.

What’s the average iq amount of people who talk to the walls?

Alot higher then that of people who don’t add anything to the conversation beside a failed attempt of an insult that’s for sure.


Failed tho?..

I read your post yesterday and have considered it at some length. The statements you’ve expressed, “PvP is luck-based”, “too many special gems”, “all elemental class” are similar to that given by members in our family, including a player who recently rage quit.

So while your feelings are certainly genuine and shared by others, bear with me, but I’m going to suggest they’re for reasons other than those you’ve given.

First, if PvP is luck-based from special gems, why is it that nearly everyone is winning 90%+ of their battles? While I personally find the gems somewhat distracting, especially the potions, I don’t see them adding a major luck component to the battles. And PvP has NEVER been strategy-based, likely never will, aside from some forethought regarding troop and weapon selection.

Secondly, yes, Elemental class is OP, and thank goodness for that. Otherwise there’s no way I’d be able to achieve any kind of score in the Journey and Raid Boss events. As for PvP, I actually find other classes to be better in many cases. The root-trap classes work well in the color kingdoms, Mechanist for, uh, Mechs, Geomancer for Constructs, etc.

There are some real problems with PvP though that others and possibly you are experiencing.

Class leveling is a major one. I used Casual PvP back when it was available to speed the process, that’s no longer available. Members do tell me that some PvP kingdoms such as Central Spire work for leveling if one chooses lower-level opponents. However, I have to believe that low-level Explore is probably faster now, and that’s a problem.

The other problem with PvP is that many of the kingdoms require the new dungeon dragons, Immortal troops, new mythics such as Takshaka and/or the newer OP weapons (Ruby Macaque, e.g.) to be successful. We’ve had members, some very high-level, return to GoW after being away a couple years and quit again in frustration because they lack these resources. There are work-arounds, strong teams can be made without these troops, but I understand the frustration.

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This is my biggest problem when people complain about pvp and suggest nerfs to troops and weapons. Look what happened to Journey, it was never fun to begin with but now it’s a true headache all because of people complaining about troops in PVP.

There are ways to counter the problem troops and there is ALWAYS the option to play the easier battles if a player does not have the power levels/kingdom levels to go up against the harder battles. No one should expect an early game or even mid game player to breeze through bloodfrenzy battles because they are not meant for people that have not worked towards increasing their stats so they can better compete.


The problem with the special gems, especially mana potions and dragon gems, is how it makes battles longer as well. Which makes losing more frustrating even when winning most battles. It apso gets frustrating while winning as they also added those timer bonusses tjat are just going to waste because of certain special gems.

With the PvP changes they did it cause they wanted more diversity in teams. Yet alot of teams look alike nowadays. So what was supposed to happen did not happen cause of powerful things. Some which were added later. In my opinion classes should also follow under the restrictions that a kingdom has to make PvP better withour hurting main game.

Am level 1439 with 1468/1544 troops and 469/615 weapons. Going for the easy battles as don’t like PvP at all but want the rewards. Yet still lose at times just cause of Elementallist class and mana potions. Which is very time consuming for no reason at all. That’s also where biggest frustration comes from. Just long battles that eat up time even when outside of blood frenzy kingdom and the easiest battle.

Special gems are definitly main culprit for that as otherwise a team would need the right troops and team to spam Elementalist class 3rd trait instead of just dumb luck with things like the mana potions.

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I have a few hundred levels on you and I still lose occasionally too, so what? I mean I guess it would be nice if we always win but losing a few percent of overall battles is not a big deal. There is supposed to be some challenge to the game you know? If I wanted to always “win” I would go play treasure hunt and call it a day


It’s not a matter of losing but the way of losing. Getting cycled into oblivion because of mana potions combined with troops that explode on 4 or more gems is just annoying. Especially with the timers they added for bonusses like experience, gold and souls.
That’s where the problem truly lies. No one likes to waste time and lose by dumb mechanics but losing because going up against a good team isn’t a problem. It can even give ideas for making own team better but losing just cause of dumb drops and bad luck nothinf can be learned from it. You just wasted time then nothing more or less.

Maybe you can enlighten me on PVP. So I played all day yesterday and every team was using The Orb weapon. If I connected 4 it would automatically skip my turn and go to them. When it was their turn the Orb weapon would keep converting and matching in a almost never ending loop. So I went and made the exact same team and Nothing!! No loop, the hole board wasnt changing colors like how they did it. And every game was like this. I dont know if this is what youre referring to by luck but it makes no sense to me. Heres the team: (Elementalist) Prismatic Orb, Pride Guard, Sekhma, Ubastet. (Pride Guard can be exchanged)

It sounds like you were unlucky with Orb as your opponent because frankly it is a middling-performance weapon.

Do you know why all of the opposing teams have it? Because it’s a forced replacement for the Wand of Stars weapon that practically everyone is using. Wand of Stars IS a very good weapon, certainly better than Orb, so if you have it by all means feel free to employ it.

BUT there are other weapons that are very good as well. Rope Dart, Essence of Evil, Doomed Impaler (gem generator for the red-centric team you’re using), Ruby Macaque, Trick or Treat just to name a few.


I agree that Elementalist class is over powered due to its 3rd trait. Everyone is using that class with Wand of Stars and at least 1 Stellarix which gets converted to the Prismatic Orb and Diamantina. It’s a fast team that will bring consistent offensive losses too. It also makes a terrible defense team. Use an empowered troop that cleanses all troops. My win streak is over 300 right now because I don’t use the aforementioned team but battles take too long. Eventually Elementalists’ 3rd trait will get nerfed. For now, either skip PvP, pick a smart slow team or just use the team everyone else uses and accept the losses.

Stellarix, Wand of Stars and Elementalists’ 3rd trait is probably why guild wars has been postponed indefinitely. GWs had become battle of the Wand of Stars, making it very frustrating and pointless. They would have to ban Stellarix on offense. Many people put lots of real money towards crafting Stellarix, so banning it would make people mad. They will have to wait until people think they got their money’s worth.

Just retreat


Sounds to me like this is a player that doesnt want to lose a single battle. On weeks where im active in pvp ill fight 200 battles or so. Ill lose MAYBE 10-15 from bad rng.

I think most people play far more than me and would echo this.


I dont know my abacus isnt small enough to calculate.